Publications for period 2002

Other publications

No. authors title periodic
  1. Bieganowski A.:  Determination of the background current in electrochemical measurements of oxygen flux density in organic soils. (2002 r.) International Agrophysics 2002, 16, 4, 253-259 
  2. Dobrzański B., Rybczyński R.:  Colour change of apple as a result of storage, shelf-life, and bruising. (2002 r.) International Agrophysics 2002, 16, 4, 261-268 
  3. Miś A., Grundas S.:  Wheat grain hardness modified by the laboratory sprouting test. (2002 r.) International Agrophysics 2002, 16, 4, 283-288 
  4. Szwed G., Tys J.:  Estimation of physical results of percussive loads in wheat and triticale seed. (2002 r.) International Agrophysics 2002, 16, 4, 297-300 
  5. Tys J., Sujak A., Bogdan A.:  Changes to the composition of colorants caused by the temperature of drying rapessed. (2002 r.) International Agrophysics 2002, 16, 4, 307-312 
  6. Witkowska-Walczak B., Bieganowski A., Rovdan E.:  Water-air properties in peat, sand and their mixtures. (2002 r.) International Agrophysics 2002, 16, 4, 313-318 
  7. Sokołowska Z., Witkowska-Walczak B.:  Changes in water retention of different size soil aggregates caused by use of soil conditioner (solacrol). (2002 r.) Polish Journal of Soil Science 2002, XXXV, 1, 1-10 
  8. Witkowska-Walczak B., Walczak R., Sławiński C.:  Correlation model for water retention prediction with soil structure parameters. (2002 r.) Polish Journal of Soil Science 2002, XXXV, 1, 11-18 
  9. Walczak R., Rovdan E., Sławiński C.:  The hydraulic conductivity of peat and sand mixtures. (2002 r.) Polish Journal of Soil Science 2002, XXXV, 2, 11-21 
  10. Turski M., Witkowska-Walczak B.:  Aggregation water resistance of luvisols derived from sandy-silt and silt. (2002 r.) Polish Journal of Soil Science 2002, XXXV, 2, 23-31 
  11. Raytchev T., Arsova A., Popandova S., Sokołowska Z., Hajnos M., Józefaciuk G.:  Applicability of Organo-mineral Meliorative Agent for Zinc Polluted Acid Soils. (2002 r.) Soil Science Agrochemistry and Ecology 2002, XXXVII, 1-3, 141-143 
  12. Hajnos M., Raytchev T., Popandova S.:  Structure formation of clay minerals microagregates in relation to ionic composition and surface free energy. (2002 r.) Soil Science Agrochemistry and Ecology 2002, XXXVII, 1-3, 144-146 
  13. Sokołowska Z., Raytchev T., Arsova A.:  Surface area and surface fractal dimension of selected Bulgarian soils. (2002 r.) Soil Science Agrochemistry and Ecology 2002, XXXVII, 1-3, 147-149 
  14. Józefaciuk G., Muranyi A., Arsova A.:  Effect of bacterial-fungi inoculation on changes in soil pore structure. (2002 r.) Soil Science Agrochemistry and Ecology 2002, XXXVII, 1-3, 150-152 
  15. Lipiec J., Ferrero A., Giovanetti V., Nosalewicz A., Turski M.:  Response of structure to simulated trampling of woodland soil. (2002 r.) Advances in Geoecology 2002, 133-140 
  16. Ferrero A., Lipiec J., Sudiro L., Nosalewicz A.:  Effects of increasing compaction levels on the efficiency of nitrogen topdressing of grasses. (2002 r.) Advances in Geoecology 2002, 351-358 
  17. Rejman J., Usowicz B.:  Evaluation of soil-loss contribution areas on loess soils in southeast Poland. (2002 r.) Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 2002, 27, 1415-1423 
  18. Lipiec J., Medvedev W., Lyndina T.:  Vil szczilnosti gruntu na zaswojenja sielskogospodarskimi kulturami pożiwnych elementiv. (2002 r.) Bicnik agrarnoi nayki 2002, 5, 11-15 
  19. Witkowska-Walczak B., Sławiński C.:  Saturated hydraulic conductivity of soil aggregates samples derived from loess. (2002 r.) Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics 2002, 50, 1-9 
  20. Dobrzański B., Rybczyński R., Wójcik W., Dobrzańska A.:  Quality of apple after storage. (2002 r.) Fruit, Nut, and Vegetable Production Engineering 2002, 381-385