Publications for period 2017

Impact Factor

No. authors title periodic
  1. Lewandowski A., Szypłowska A., Kafarski M., Wilczek A., Barmuta P., Skierucha W.:  0.05–3 GHz VNA characterization of soil dielectric properties based on the multiline TRL calibration (2017 r.) Measurement Science and Technology 2017, Vol. 28, 1-7
  2. Lamorski K., Šimůnek J., Sławiński C., Lamorska J.:  An estimation of the main wetting branch of the soil water retention curve based on its main drying branch using the machine learning method (2017 r.) Water Resources Research 2017, Vol. DOI: 10.1002/2016WR019533,
  3. Nawrocka A., Miś A., Niewiadomski Z.:  Dehydration of gluten matrix as a result of dietary fibre addition – A study on model flour with application of FT-IR spectroscopy (2017 r.) Journal of Cereal Science 2017, Vol. 74, 86-94
  4. Gómez-Brandón M., Ascher-Jenull J., Bardelli T., Fornasier F., Fravolini G., Arfaioli P., Ceccherini M., Pietramellara G., Lamorski K., Bertoldi D., Egli M., Cherubini P., Insam H., Sławiński C.:  Physico-chemical and microbiological evidence of exposure effects on Picea abies– Coarse woody debris at different stages of decay (2017 r.) Forest Ecology and Management 2017, Vol. 391, 376-389
  5. Cieśla J., Koczańska M., Narkiewicz-Michałek J., Szymula M., Bieganowski A.:  Alpha-tocopherol in CTAB/NaCl systems — The light scattering studies (2017 r.) Journal of Molecular Liquids 2017, Vol. 233, 15-22
  6. Gancarz M., Wawrzyniak J., Gawrysiak-Witulska M., Wiącek D., Nawrocka A., Tadla M., Rusinek R.:  Application of electronic nose with MOS sensors to prediction of rapeseed quality (2017 r.) Measurement 2017, Vol. 103, 227-234
  7. Horabik J., Parafiniuk P., Molenda M.:  Discrete element modelling study of force distribution in a 3D pile of spherical particles (2017 r.) Powder Technology 2017, Vol. 312, 194-203
  8. Franus W., Józefaciuk G., Bandura L., Franus M.:  Use of Spent Zeolite Sorbents for the Preparation of Lightweight Aggregates Differing in Microstructure (2017 r.) Minerals 2017, Vol. 7, 25, 1-14
  9. Montusiewicz A., Pasieczna-Patkowska S., Lebiocka M., Szaja A., Szymańska-Chargot M.:  Hydrodynamic cavitation of brewery spent grain diluted by wastewater (2017 r.) Chemical Engineering Journal 2017, Vol. 313, 946-956
  10. Nawrocka A., Szymańska-Chargot M., Miś A., Wilczewska A., Markiewicz K.:  Effect of dietary fibre polysaccharides on structure and thermal properties of gluten proteins – A study on gluten dough with application of FT-Raman spectroscopy, TGA and DSC (2017 r.) Food Hydrocolloids 2017, Vol. 69, 410-421
  11. Kercheva M., Sokołowska Z., Hajnos M., Skic K., Shishkov T.:  Physical parameters of Fluvisols on flooded and non-flooded terraces (2017 r.) International Agrophysics 2017, Vol. 31, 73-82
  12. Krzyszczak J., Baranowski P., Zubik M., Hoffmann H.:  Temporal scale influence on multifractal properties of agro-meteorological time series (2017 r.) Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 2017, Vol. 239, 223-235
  13. Nawrocka A., Szymańska-Chargot M., Miś A., Wilczewska A., Markiewicz K.:  Aggregation of gluten proteins in model dough after fibre polysaccharide addition (2017 r.) Food Chemistry 2017, Vol. 231, 51-60
  14. Wiącek J., Parafiniuk P., Stasiak M.:  Effect of particle size ratio and contribution of particle size fractions on micromechanics of uniaxially compressed binary sphere mixtures (2017 r.) Granular Matter 2017, Vol. 19, 34, 1-11
  15. Zarzyńska K., Boguszewska-Mańkowska D., Nosalewicz A.:  Differences in size and architecture of the potato cultivars root system and their tolerance to drought stress (2017 r.) Plant, Soil and Environment 2017, Vol. 63, 4, 159-164
  16. Fornal E., Parfieniuk E., Czeczko R., Bilińska-Wielgus N., Frąc M.:  Fast and easy liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry method for evaluation of postharvest fruit safety by determination of mycotoxins: Fumitremorgin C and verruculogen (2017 r.) Postharvest Biology and Technology 2017, Vol. 131, 46-54
  17. Miś A., Nawrocka A., Dziki D.:  Behaviour of Dietary Fibre Supplements During Bread Dough Development Evaluated Using Novel Farinograph Curve Analysis (2017 r.) Food and Bioprocess Technology 2017, Vol. 10, 6, 1031-1041
  18. Babko R., Jaromin-Gleń K., Łagód G., Danko Y., Kuzmina T., Pawłowska M., Pawłowski A.:  Short Term Influence of Drilling Fluids of Two Types on Wastewater Treatment Rate and Eukaryotic Organisms of Activated Sludge in Sequencing Batch Reactors (2017 r.) Journal of Environmental Quality 2017, Vol. DOI: 10.2134/jeq2017.05.0184,
  19. Zubala T., Patro M., Boguta P.:  Variability of zinc, copper and lead contents in sludge of the municipal stormwater treatment plant (2017 r.) Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2017, Vol. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-017-9338-1,
  20. Szatanik-Kloc A., Szerement J., Józefaciuk G.:  The role of cell walls and pectins in cation exchange and surface area of plant roots (2017 r.) Journal of Plant Physiology 2017, Vol. 215, 85-90