Publications in year 2018

Vol. 25, Issue 2


  1. Methods of determination of water infiltration from the atmosphere in non-rainfall periods - (in print)
      PDF 564.63 KB
    Pages: 145-162
    DOI: 10.31545/aagr/92543
    Authors: Małgorzata Dawid
  2. Assessment of the use of flour from the grain of spring common wheat cultivated under organic farming for pasta production - (in print)
      PDF 244.75 KB
    Pages: 163-174
    DOI: 10.31545/aagr/92544
    Authors: Magdalena Gońda, Grażyna Cacak-Pietrzak, Krzysztof Jończyk
  3. Morphological characteristics and nutritional value of purple-coloured storage roots of carrots protected with a biofungicide - (in print)
      PDF 224.49 KB
    Pages: 175-183
    DOI: 10.31545/aagr/92544
    Authors: Joanna Majkowska-Gadomska, Artur Dobrowolski, Emilia Mikulewicz
  4. Comparison of physical properties of wheat bread from dough produced by single and two-phase method with the addition of scalded flour - (in print)
      PDF 852.9 KB
    Pages: 185-196
    DOI: 10.31545/aagr/92614
    Authors: Monika Wójcik, Renata Różyło, Alicja Ziemichód, Grzegorz Łysiak
  5. Correlations between the physical properties of silver fir seeds - (in print)
      PDF 328.32 KB
    Pages: 197-212
    DOI: 10.31545/aagr/92616
    Authors: Zdzisław Kaliniewicz, Stefan Mańkowski, Paweł Tylek, Zbigniew Krzysiak, Waldemar Peda
  6. Physical status of soils of Park Ludowy in Lublin - (in print)
      PDF 232.9 KB
    Pages: 213-225
    DOI: 10.31545/aagr/93033
    Authors: Monika Jaroszuk-Sierocińska, Anna Słowińska-Jurkiewicz
  7. Effect of processing conditions and concentration of water and milk suspensions on the dynamic viscosity of corn-cranberry gluten-free instant gruels
      PDF 997.04 KB
    Pages: 227-238
    DOI: 10.31545/aagr/93040
    Authors: Magdalena Kręcisz, Agnieszka Wójtowicz
  8. The effect of application of biopreparations and fungicides on the yield and selected parameters of seed value of seed potatoes
      PDF 257.84 KB
    Pages: 239-255
    DOI: 10.31545/aagr/93104
    Authors: Piotr Pszczółkowski, Barbara Sawicka