Teresa Fortuna



Ord title authors publishing
  1. Effect of packaging on the storage quality of gluten-free bread Paulina Pająk, Daria Kuczera, Teresa Fortuna Acta Agrophysica [Acta Agroph.] 2013, 20, 4, 633-649
  2. Effect of addition of maltodextrins to starch gels on some textural and colour parameters Izabela Przetaczek-Rożnowska, Jacek Rożnowski, Teresa Fortuna, Paulina Pająk Acta Agrophysica [Acta Agroph.] 2014, 21, 2, 219-231
  3. Effect of iron ions on selected physicochemical properties of octenyl succinate starch Karolina Królikowska, Teresa Fortuna, Magdalena Grabarz, Paulina Pająk Acta Agrophysica [Acta Agroph.] 2014, 21, 3, 279-291