Publications for period 2005


No. authors title periodic
  1. Bowanko G., Hajnos M.:  Influence of addition building rubble on properties of urban soil. (2005 r.) Institute of Agrophyscis PAS, Lublin, "Review of Current Problems in Agrophysics" 2005, Chapter 5, Physics and Physical Chemistry in Environmental Processes, 392 
  2. Cieśla J., Ryżak M., Walczak R.:  Initial evaluation of application of ion selective electrodes to direct measurement ions concentration in soils. (2005 r.) Institute of Agrophyscis PAS, Lublin, "Review of Current Problems in Agrophysics" 2005, Chapter 5, Physics and Physical Chemistry in Environmental Processes, 399-401 
  3. Krzemińska I., Małek W., Studzińska B., Wdowiak-Wróbel S.:  The host range and nitrogen fixation ability of Ulex europaeus microsymbionts. (2005 r.) Institute of Agrophyscis PAS, Lublin, "Review of Current Problems in Agrophysics" 2005, Chapter 5, Physics and Physical Chemistry in Environmental Processes, 416-417 
  4. Kwiatkowska J., Sokołowska Z., Maciejewska A.:  Selected chemical, physical and physicochemical properties of brown coal. (2005 r.) Institute of Agrophyscis PAS, Lublin, "Review of Current Problems in Agrophysics" 2005, Chapter 5, Physics and Physical Chemistry in Environmental Processes, 418-422 
  5. Matyka-Sarzyńska D., Sokołowska Z.:  Dissolved organic matter of mucks and its optical properties. (2005 r.) Institute of Agrophyscis PAS, Lublin, "Review of Current Problems in Agrophysics" 2005, Chapter 5, Physics and Physical Chemistry in Environmental Processes, 423-424 
  6. Muranyi A., Józefaciuk G.:  The concept of soil / solution transfer functions. (2005 r.) Institute of Agrophyscis PAS, Lublin, "Review of Current Problems in Agrophysics" 2005, Chapter 5, Physics and Physical Chemistry in Environmental Processes, 428-434 
  7. Rejman J.:  Evaluation of soil translocation rates on loess hillslopes of the Lublin upland. (2005 r.) Institute of Agrophyscis PAS, Lublin, "Review of Current Problems in Agrophysics" 2005, Chapter 5, Physics and Physical Chemistry in Environmental Processes, 441 
  8. Siczek A., Kotowska U., Lipiec J.:  Leaching of atrazine in tilled and orchard silty loam soil. (2005 r.) Institute of Agrophyscis PAS, Lublin, "Review of Current Problems in Agrophysics" 2005, Chapter 5, Physics and Physical Chemistry in Environmental Processes, 459-460 
  9. Stępniewski A.:  Environment and food safety in European Framework Research Programmes. (2005 r.) Institute of Agrophyscis PAS, Lublin, "Review of Current Problems in Agrophysics" 2005, Chapter 5, Physics and Physical chemistry in Environmental Processes, 461-462 
  10. Bałakhnina T., Włodarczyk T., Borkowska A., Fomina I.:  The effect of the 4-HPEA on growth and adaptive potential of the barley cv. "Rudnik" plants under optimal and soil flooding conditions. (2005 r.) Institute of Agrophyscis PAS, Lublin, "Review of Current Problems in Agrophysics" 2005, Chapter 6, Oxygenology, 469-470 
  11. Bieganowski A.:  Integration range in three electrode voltammetric measurements of the oxygen flux density in the soil. (2005 r.) Institute of Agrophyscis PAS, Lublin, "Review of Current Problems in Agrophysics" 2005, Chapter 6, Oxygenology, 472-473 
  12. Gliński J.:  Aquatic oxygenology. (2005 r.) Institute of Agrophyscis PAS, Lublin, "Review of Current Problems in Agrophysics" 2005, Chapter 6, Oxygenology, 474-477 
  13. Hatano R., Lipiec J.:  Management effects on greenhouse gas exchange in soils. (2005 r.) Institute of Agrophyscis PAS, Lublin, "Review of Current Problems in Agrophysics" 2005, Chapter 6, Oxygenology, 478 
  14. Stępniewska Z., Borkowska A., Kotowska U.:  Phosphorus release from peat soils under flooded condition. (2005 r.) Institute of Agrophyscis PAS, Lublin, "Review of Current Problems in Agrophysics" 2005, Chapter 6, Oxygenology, 482-483 
  15. Włodarczyk T., Kotowska U.:  The role of nitrate and temperaturę in N2O emission (a review). (2005 r.) Institute of Agrophyscis PAS, Lublin, "Review of Current Problems in Agrophysics" 2005, Chapter 6, Oxygenology, 485-487 
  16. Włodarczyk T., Brzezińska M., Szarlip P.:  Some physical factors influencing the dehydrogenase activity in soils (a review). (2005 r.) Institute of Agrophyscis PAS, Lublin, "Review of Current Problems in Agrophysics" 2005, Chapter 6, Oxygenology, 488-490 
  17. Konstankiewicz K.:  The goal of image analysis of plant tissue micro-structure. (2005 r.) Institute of Agrophyscis PAS, Lublin, "Micro-structure analysis of plant tissues" 2005, Micro-structure analysis of plant tissues, 7-12 
  18. Gancarz M.:  Optical microscope. (2005 r.) Institute of Agrophyscis PAS, Lublin, "Micro-structure analysis of plant tissues" 2005, 2. Microscopes and sample preparation, 13-42 
  19. Zdunek A.:  Confocal microscopy. (2005 r.) Institute of Agrophyscis PAS, Lublin, "Micro-structure analysis of plant tissues" 2005, 2. Microscopes and sample preparation, 43-56 
  20. Król A.:  Electron microscopy. (2005 r.) Institute of Agrophyscis PAS, Lublin, "Micro-structure analysis of plant tissues" 2005, 2. Microscopes and sample preparation, 57-70