Publications for period 2010

Conference proceedings

No. authors title periodic
  1. Frąc M., Lipiec J., Usowicz B.:  Mycological composition in the rhizosphere of winter wheat in different crop production systems (2010 r.) Międzynarodowa Konferencja Europejskiego Towarzystwa Geofizycznego Austria, 2-7.05.2010 r. 2010,
  2. Tys J.:  Czynniki kształtujące wartość technologiczną nasion rzepaku (2010 r.) XVIII Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa "Postępy w technologii tłuszczów roślinnych", Lublin, 27-28.05.2010 r. 2010,
  3. Kwiatkowska-Malina J., Sokołowska Z., Maciejewska A.:  Specific surface area of humic acids isolated from soils amended with different organic matter determined from water vapour and nitrogen adsorption data (2010 r.) XV Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society "Advances in Natural Organic Matter and Humic Substances Research 2008-2010", Tenerife, Puerto de la Cruz, 27.07-02.08.2010 r. 2010, Vol. 2, 97-100
  4. Horabik J., Wiącek J., Molenda M.:  Simulation of the packing structure, load distribution and flow pattern in a 2-dimensional model silo using discrete element method (2010 r.) 4th International Conference TAE 2010 "Trends in Agricultural Engineering 2010", Czech Republic, Prague, 7-10.09.2010 r. 2010,
  5. Alekseev A., Alekseeva T., Renkou X., Hajnos M., Kalinin P.:  Effecte of soil acidification induced by the tea plantation on mineralogical and chemical properties of yellow brown earth (China)r (2010 r.) International Conference "Clays, Clay Minerals and Layered Materials - CMLM 2009", Zvenigorod, Moscow Region, Russia, 21-25.09.2010 r. 2010,
  6. Kurochkina G., Pinskiy D., Fedotov G., Hajnos M.:  Influence of electrolytes on the formation of structure of clay minerals (2010 r.) International Conference "Clays, Clay Minerals and Layered Materials - CMLM 2009", Zvenigorod, Moscow Region, Russia, 21-25.09.2010 r. 2010,
  7. Jazurek-Gutek B., Grundas S., Laskowski J., Sadkiewicz J.:  Mąka ze straków szarańczynu (Ceratonia siliqua L.) jako prozdrowotny dodatek do pieczywa (2010 r.) Naukowy i Prakticzni Aspiekti Agropromisłowogo Wirobnictwa ta Rozwitku Silskich Riegioniw Lwów, 22-24.09.2010 r., 54-57 
  8. Sosnowski S., Grundas S.:  O potrzebie rozwoju wspólnych badań agrofizycznych w Polsce i na Ukrainie (2010 r.) Naukowy i Prakticzni Aspiekti Agropromisłowogo Wirobnictwa ta Rozwitku Silskich Riegioniw Lwów, 22-24.09.2010 r., 400-402 
  9. Józefaciuk G.:  A glance into the future of agrophysics (2010 r.) 9th International Workshop for Young Scientists BioPhys Spring 2010, Nitra, Slovakia, 20-21.05.2010 r. 2010,
  10. Horabik J.:  DEM simulations of the shear strength of granular solids (2010 r.) 9th International Workshop for Young Scientists BioPhys Spring 2010, Nitra, Slovakia, 20-21.05.2010 r. 2010, 7-8
  11. Wójciga A.:  Effect of soil physical conditions on growth and water uptake by yellow - seeded rape (2010 r.) 9th International Workshop for Young Scientists BioPhys Spring 2010, Nitra, Slovakia, 20-21.05.2010 r. 2010, 15-16
  12. Wiater D., Józefaciuk G.:  Physiological, anatomical, morphological and chemical plants behaviors resistant to the drought under dry conditions (2010 r.) 9th International Workshop for Young Scientists BioPhys Spring 2010, Nitra, Slovakia, 20-21.05.2010 r. 2010, 17-18
  13. Boguta P., Sokołowska Z.:  Infrared spectroscopy in humic substances studies (2010 r.) 9th International Workshop for Young Scientists BioPhys Spring 2010, Nitra, Slovakia, 20-21.05.2010 r. 2010, 19-20
  14. Kobyłka R., Molenda M.:  Non-symmetrical loads on silo walls due to eccentric filling and discharge - DEM simulations (2010 r.) 9th International Workshop for Young Scientists BioPhys Spring 2010, Nitra, Slovakia, 20-21.05.2010 r. 2010, 21-22
  15. Pieczywek P.:  Parameterization of plant tissue microstructure for FEM (2010 r.) 9th International Workshop for Young Scientists BioPhys Spring 2010, Nitra, Slovakia, 20-21.05.2010 r. 2010, 23-25
  16. Adamiak A., Zdunek A.:  Basics of biospeckle technique (2010 r.) 9th International Workshop for Young Scientists BioPhys Spring 2010, Nitra, Slovakia, 20-21.05.2010 r. 2010, 26-27
  17. Butrym I.:  Specific surface area of soilst (2010 r.) 9th International Workshop for Young Scientists BioPhys Spring 2010, Nitra, Slovakia, 20-21.05.2010 r. 2010, 28-29
  18. Łukowski M.:  Estimation of soil moisture by satellite data and ground measurements (2010 r.) 9th International Workshop for Young Scientists BioPhys Spring 2010, Nitra, Slovakia, 20-21.05.2010 r. 2010, 30-31
  19. Talarowska A., Sokołowska Z.:  Analysis of spectra complexes of acids of 2-chloro-4-nitro and 2-chloro-5nitrobenzoic acids with Nd(III) (2010 r.) 9th International Workshop for Young Scientists BioPhys Spring 2010, Nitra, Slovakia, 20-21.05.2010 r. 2010, 32-33
  20. Zawadzka K., Lipiec J.:  Rainfall in vertical section precipitation - forest litter on "malik geoecological station" in the south west of Świętokrzyskie mountains (2010 r.) 9th International Workshop for Young Scientists BioPhys Spring 2010, Nitra, Slovakia, 20-21.05.2010 r. 2010, 34-35