Publications for period 2007
Conference proceedings
No. authors title periodic
- Szwed G., Pecen J.: Vliv podmínek uskladnění na deformaci a provzdušňování vrstvy semen řepky. (2007 r.) Agricultura - Scientia - Prosperitas, Česká Zemědělská Společnost, Sdružení Český Mák a Katedra Rostlinné Výroby na ČZU v Praze, 12.12.2007, 64-67
- Szwonek E., Włodarczyk T., Borkowska A., Stępień W., Kotowska U., Stępień T.: Denitrification capacity of soil annually long term treated with mineral fertilizers. (2007 r.) COST Action 856 - Denitrification: A Challenge for Pure and Applied Science, University of Aberdeen, Great Britain, 25-28.03.2007 r. 2007,
- Lipiec J., Siczek A., Usowicz B.: Spatial variability of moisture and temperature In relation to soil compaction and mulching. (2007 r.) European Geosciences Union 2007, Vienna, Austria, 16-20.04.2007 2007,
- Usowicz B., Lipiec J., Marczewski W.: Effect of the land use on the heat flux dynamice In the Grodnu based thermal experiments aimed for validating SMOS observations. (2007 r.) European Geosciences Union 2007, Vienna, Austria, 16-20.04.2007 2007,
- Usowicz B., Lipiec J., Marczewski W.: Modelling the dielectric permittivity of porous media using statistical-physical model. (2007 r.) European Geosciences Union 2007, Vienna, Austria, 16-20.04.2007 2007,
- Lipiec J., Siczek A., Nosalewicz A., Kotowska U.: Leaching of some agricultural chemicals In relation to pore structure and preferential flow. (2007 r.) European Geosciences Union 2007, Vienna, Austria, 16-20.04.2007 2007,
- Kotowska A., Sławiński C., Witkowska-Walczak B., Włodarczyk T., Skierucha W.: Wastewater purification by an organic soil and plants. (2007 r.) European Geosciences Union 2007, Vienna, Austria, 16-20.04.2007 2007,
- Cybulska J., Konstankiewicz K.: Cell walls structure investigations by atomic force microscope. (2007 r.) International Scientific Student\'s Conference \"Recent Advances in Agriculture, Food Processing and Waste Policy\", Nitra, 24-25.04.2007, 28
- Czachor H., Doerr S.: Pore structure versus water wetting angle in soils. (2007 r.) International Bouyoucos Conference \"On the Orgin of Water Repelleny in Soils, Sanibel Island\", Florida, 29.04.-03.05.2007, 8
- Rejman J.: Aspects of soil loss tolerance on deep soils developed from loess. (2007 r.) International Conference :Soil and Hillslope Management using scenario analysis and runoff-erosion models: a critical evaluation of current techniques\", Florence, Italy, 07-09.05.2007, 93
- Marczewski W., Usowicz J., Bochenek W., Iżykowska A., Gadomski S., Dabrowski B., Wawrzaszek R., Usowicz B., Łukowski M., Wójciga A.: Example effects of the preliminary cal/val campaigns in Poland-Polesie, Szymbark (2007 r.) 7th SMOS Workshop, ESRIN 2007,
- Cybulska J., Fedoriv R., Konskyy R.: Increase of efficiency of experimental researches of cellular structure of fruits and vegetables. (2007 r.) Open scientific and technical conference of young scientists and specialists of Karpenko Physiko-Mechanical Institute of the Akademy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv 2007, 281-284