Publications for period 2000

Conference proceedings

No. authors title periodic
  1. Kossowski J.:  Estimation of daily heat flux into soil with meteorological data. (2000 r.) 9th International Poster Day "Transport of Water, Chamicals and Energy in the System Soil-Crop Canopy-Atmosphere", Bratislava, Slovakia, 29.11.2001 2000,
  2. Bieganowski A., Malicki M.:  Tester amperometru i woltamerometru w elektrochemicznych pomiarach gęstości strumienia tlenu w glebie. Tester of amperometer and woltamperometer in electrochemical measurements of oxygen flux density in soil. (2000 r.) 9th International Poster Day "Transport of Water, Chamicals and Energy in the System Soil-Crop Canopy-Atmosphere", Bratislava, Slovakia, 29.11.2001 2000,
  3. Witkowska-Walczak B., Niewczas J.:  Determination of aggregates water stability by using numerous index. (2000 r.) 9th International Poster Day "Transport of Water, Chamicals and Energy in the System Soil-Crop Canopy-Atmosphere", Bratislava, Slovakia, 29.11.2001 2000,
  4. Skierucha W.:  Application of monolitic microwave integrated circuits in TDR system for automatic measurement of soil moisture. (2000 r.) 9th International Poster Day "Transport of Water, Chamicals and Energy in the System Soil-Crop Canopy-Atmosphere", Bratislava, Slovakia, 29.11.2001 2000,
  5. Usowicz B.:  Szacowanie przenikalności dielektrycznej gleby - podejście statystyczne. Estimation of dielectric permeability of soil - statistical approach. (2000 r.) 9th International Poster Day "Transport of Water, Chamicals and Energy in the System Soil-Crop Canopy-Atmosphere", Bratislava, Slovakia, 29.11.2001 2000,
  6. Lamorski K.:  Zastosowanie algorytmów genetycznych w zagadnieniach odwrotnych związanych z modelowaniem transportu energii w glebie. (2000 r.) 8th International Poster Day "Transport of Water, Chemicals and Energy in the System Soil-Crop Canopy-Atmosphere", Bratislava, Slovakia, 16.11.2000 r. 2000,
  7. Molenda M., Montross M., Horabik J., Ross I.:  Mechanical properties of granular feed ingridients. (2000 r.) ASAE International Annual Meeting, Sacramento, CA, 29.07-01.08.2001 r. 2000,
  8. Lamorski K., Pręgowski P., Swiderski W., Szabra D., Usowicz B., Walczak R.:  Thermal signatures of a mine buried in mineral and organic soils - modelling and experiments. (2000 r.) 6th International Workshop on Advanced Infrared Technology and Applications (AITA), Siena, Włochy, 16-19.09.2001 r. 2000,