Publications for period 2014

Impact Factor

No. authors title periodic
  1. Polakowski C., Sochan A., Bieganowski A., Ryżak M., Földényi R., Tóth J.:  Influence of the sand particle shape on particle size distribution measured by laser diffraction method (2014 r.) International Agrophysics 2014, Vol. 28, 2, 195-200
  2. Paszkowski B., Wilczek A., Szypłowska A., Nakonieczna A., Skierucha W.:  A low-frequency sensor for determination of honey electrical properties in varying temperature conditions (2014 r.) Journal of Food Engineering 2014, 138, 17-22
  3. Pizio O., Sokołowski S., Sokołowska Z.:  The structure and propertiesof a simple model mixture of amphiphilic molecules and ions at a solid surface (2014 r.) The Journal of Chemical Physics 2014, Vol. 140, 174706-1-174706-12
  4. Oszust K., Frąc M., Gryta A., Bilińska-Wielgus N.:  The Influence of Ecological and Conventional Plant Production Systems on Soil Microbial Quality under Hops (Humulus lupulus). (2014 r.) International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2014, Vol. 15, 6, 9907-9923
  5. Kotowicz N., Frąc M., Lipiec J.:  The importance of Fusarium fungi in wheat cultivation – pathogenicity and mycotoxins production. (2014 r.) Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences 2014, Vol. 21, 2, 3326-3343
  6. Kurenda A., Zdunek A., Schlüter O., Herppich W.:  VIS/NIR spectroscopy, chlorophyll fluorescence, biospeckle and backscattering to evaluate changes in apples subjected to hydrostatic pressures (2014 r.) Postharvest Biology and Technology 2014, Vol. 96, 88-98
  7. Chylińska M., Szymańska-Chargot M., Zdunek A.:  Imaging of polysaccharides in the tomato cell wall with Raman microspectroscopy (2014 r.) Plant Methods 2014, Vol. 10:14, doi:10.1186/1746-4811-10-14, 1-11
  8. Usowicz B., Usowicz J., Usowicz Ł.:  Physical-statistical model of thermal conductivity of nanofluids. (2014 r.) Journal of Nanomaterials 2014, Vol., ID 756765, 1-6
  9. Siedliska A., Baranowski P., Mazurek W.:  Classification models of bruise and cultivar detection on the basis of hyprspectral imaging data. (2014 r.) Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 2014, Vol. 106, 66-74
  10. Polak-Berecka M., Waśko A., Kubik-Komar A.:  Optimization of Culture Conditions for Exopolysaccharide Production by a Probiotic Strain of Lactobacillus rhamnosus E/N (2014 r.) Polish Journal of Microbiology 2014, Vol. 63, 2, 253-257
  11. Zdunek A., Kozioł A., Pieczywek P., Cybulska J.:  Evaluation of the Nanostructure of Pectin, Hemicellulose and Cellulose in the Cell Walls of Pears of Different Texture and Firmness (2014 r.) Food and Bioprocess Technology 2014, Vol. 7, 3525-3535
  12. Kot A., Frąc M.:  Metody wykorzystywane w ocenie oddziaływania odpadów organicznych na aktywność mikrobiologiczną gleby. (2014 r.) Postępy Mikrobiologii 2014, Vol. 53, 2, 183-193
  13. Stelmach W., Szarlip P., Trembaczowski A.:  Changes of isotopic composition in gases emitted from wastewater treatment plant - preliminary study. (2014 r.) Ecological Chemistry and Engineering S 2014, Vol. 21, 2, 245-254
  14. Boguta P., Sokołowska Z.:  Statistical relationship between selected physicochemical properties of peaty-muck soils and their fraction of humic acids (2014 r.) International Agrophysics 2014, Vol. 28, 3, 269-278
  15. Nawrocka A.:  Conformational changes in wheat gluten after using Ag-nanoparticles (2014 r.) International Agrophysics 2014, Vol. 28, 3, 311-317
  16. Piasecka A., Krzemińska I., Tys J.:  Physical methods of microalgal biomass pretreatment. (2014 r.) International Agrophysics 2014, Vol. 28, 3, 341-348
  17. Usowicz B., Marczewski W., Usowicz J., Łukowski M., Lipiec J.:  Comparison of surface soil moisture from SMOS satellite and ground measurements. (2014 r.) International Agrophysics 2014, Vol. 28, 3, 359-369
  18. Włodarczyk T., Szarlip P., Kozieł W., Nosalewicz M., Brzezińska M., Pazur M., Urbanek E.:  Effect of long storage and soil type on the actual denitrification and denitrification capacity to N2O formation (2014 r.) International Agrophysics 2014, Vol. 28, 3, 371-381
  19. Kurochkina G., Pinskiy D., Hajnos M., Sokołowska Z., Cieśla J.:  Electrokinetic properties of soil minerals and soils modified with polyelectrolytes. (2014 r.) Eurasian Soil Science 2014, Vol. 47, 7, 699-706
  20. Rejman J., Iglik I., Paluszek J., Rodzik J.:  Soil redistribution and crop productivity in loess areas (Lublin Upland, Poland) (2014 r.) Soil & Tillage Research 2014, Vol. 143, 77-84