Publications for period 2011

Impact Factor

No. authors title periodic
  1. Stasiak M., Rusinek R., Molenda M., Fornal J., Błaszczak W.:  Effect of potato starch modification on mechanical parameters and granules morphology. (2011 r.) Journal of Food Engineering 2011, 102, 154-162, (DOI information:n10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2010.07.034) 
  2. Bieganowski A., Krusińska A., Ryżak M.:  Elimination of measurement error in light microscopy investigations of starch granules geometry. (2011 r.) International Agrophysics 2011, Vol. 25, 2, 193-196
  3. Miś A.:  Interpretation of mechanical spectra of carob fibre and oat wholemeal-enriched wheat dough using non-linear regression models (2011 r.) Journal of Food Engineering 2011, Vol. 102, 4, 369-379
  4. Nosalewicz A., Nosalewicz M.:  Effect of soil compaction on dehydrogenase activity in bulk soil and rhizosphere (2011 r.) International Agrophysics 2011, Vol. 25, 1, 47-51
  5. Siczek A., Lipiec J.:  Soybean nodulation and nitrogen fixation in response to soil compaction and surface straw mulching (2011 r.) Soil & Tillage Research 2011, Vol. 114, 1, 50-56
  6. Szcześ A., Chibowski E., Hołysz L., Rafalski P.:  Effects of static magnetic field on electrolyte solutions under kinetic condition (2011 r.) Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2011, Vol. 115, 21, 5449-5452
  7. Zdunek A., Cybulska J.:  Relation of biospeckle activity with quality attributes of apples (2011 r.) Sensors 2011, Vol. 11, 6, 6317-6327
  8. Zdunek A., Cybulska J., Konopacka D., Rutkowski K.:  Evaluation of apple texture with contact acoustic emission detector: a study on performance of calibration models (2011 r.) Journal of Food Engineering 106(2011), 80-87nn 
  9. Zdunek A., Cybulska J., Konopacka D., Rutkowski K.:  Inter-laboratory analysis of firmness and sensory texture of stored apples (2011 r.) International Agrophysics 2011, Vol. 25, 1, 67-75
  10. Gładyszewska B., Baranowski P., Mazurek W., Ciupak A., Woźniak J.:  Radiation temperature of tomatoes and mechanical properties of their skin (2011 r.) International Agrophysics 2011, Vol. 25, 2, 131-139
  11. Sławiński C., Witkowska-Walczak B., Lipiec J., Nosalewicz A.:  Effect of aggregate size on water movement in soils. (2011 r.) International Agrophysics 2011, Vol. 25, 1, 53-58
  12. Cieśla J., Bieganowski A., Janczarek M., Urbanik-Sypniewska T.:  Determination of the electrokinetic potential of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv trifolii Rt24.2 using Laser Doppler Velocimetry - A methodological study. (2011 r.) Journal of Microbiological Methods 2011, Vol. 85, 3, 199-205
  13. Cybulska J., Zdunek A., Konstankiewicz K.:  Calcium effect on mechanical properties of model cell walls and apple tissue (2011 r.) Journal of Food Engineering 102 (2011), 217-223 
  14. Lipiec J., Nosalewicz A., Siczek A., Kotowska U.:  Effects of land use on leaching of nitrate-N, ammonium-N and phosphate in relation to stained surface area (2011 r.) International Agrophysics 2011, Vol. 25, 2, 149-154
  15. Molenda M., Wiącek J.:  Moisture-dependent physical properties of rapeseed - experimental and DEM modeling (2011 r.) International Agrophysics 2011, Vol. 25, 1, 59-65
  16. Pizio O., Sokołowski S., Sokołowska Z.:  Phase behavior of binary symmetric mixtures in pillared slit-like pores: a density functional approach (2011 r.) Journal of Chemical Physics 2011, Vol. 134, 2, 214702
  17. Mueller P., Antonyuk S., Stasiak M., Tomas J., Heinrich S.:  The normal and oblique impact of three types of wet granules (2011 r.) Granular Matter 2011, Vol. 13, 4, 455-463
  18. Szcześ A., Chibowski E., Hołysz L., Rafalski P.:  Effects of static magnetic field on water at kinetic condition (2011 r.) Chemical Engineering and Processing 2011, Vol. 50, 1, 124-127
  19. Księżopolska A., Włodarczyk T., Gliński J., Flis-Bujak M.:  Respiration of soil enriched with manure and mineral materials (methodical aspects) (2011 r.) Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 2011, Vol. 20, 2, 387-392
  20. Pieczywek P., Zdunek A., Umeda M.:  Study on parametrisation of plant tissue microstructure by confocal microscopy for finite elements modelling (2011 r.) Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 2011, Vol. 78, 98-105