Publications in year 2016

Vol. 30, Issue 4

  1. Assessment of N2O emissions from rapeseed cultivation in Poland by various approaches
      PDF 494.8 KB
    Pages: 501-507
    DOI: 10.1515/intag-2016-0013
    Authors: A. Syp, A. Faber, M. Kozak
  2. Study of rheological behaviour of wines
      PDF 648.72 KB
    Pages: 509-518
    DOI: 0.1515/intag-2016-0018
    Authors: P. Trávníček, P. Burg, A. Krakowiak-Bal, P. Junga, T. Vítěz, U. Ziemiańczyk
  3. Heat shock increases oxidative stress to modulate growth and physico-chemical attributes in diverse maize cultivars
    Pages: 519-531
    DOI: 10.1515/intag-2016-0023
    Authors: I. Hussain, M. Ashraf, R. Rasheed, M. Iqbal, M. Ibrahim, S. Ashraf
  4. Ground penetrating radar for underground sensing in agriculture: a review
    Pages: 533-543
    DOI: 10.1515/intag-2016-0010
    Authors: X. Liu, X. Dong, D. Leskovar
  5. Study of structural changes in the cells of the stimulated seed sprouts
    Pages: 545-550
    DOI: 10.1515/intag-2016-0012
    Authors: S. Kovalyshyn
  6. Polysaccharide based edible coating on sapota fruit
    Pages: 551-557
    DOI: 10.1515/intag-2016-0019
    Authors: J. Menezes, K. Athmaselvi