The aim of the project

The aim of the project is creation of supra-regional research center in the field of agricultural utilization for food and energy, aimed at cooperation strengthening of research and development area with economy. This objective contributes to the achievement of the detailed objective of the Operational Programme of Development of Eastern Poland 2007-2013 (Stimulating the development of competitive economy based on the knowledge) and it is fully compatible with the objective of  Priority Axis I.3. Support for innovations (Improving the conditions for the running a business – the development and diffusion of innovative).

The aim will be measured by increasing the number of enterprises that are using the services of eight laboratories per year which will be developed in frame of the Centre of Research & Innovations in 2015 (according to the established indicators) in comparison to 2010. The assumed target group of the project are companies connected with the production of renewable energy from biomass (involving enterprises that are related to designing and production of devices for production of biomass as an alternative energy source, and also the developers engaged in investment processes) and enterprises dealing with the crop production and storage, and food production (involving the functional food), operating on Eastern Poland area.

The beneficiary of the project is the Institute of Agrophysics, Polish Academy of  Sciences in Lublin. The problem of the target group of the project is limited access to R&D services, equipped with the high level laboratories, capable of producing innovation and practical solutions for the region, as well as limited access to the latest knowledge in chosen fields.

Detailed objectives of the project:

Entities potentially interested in results of Laboratory: