Centre of Research & Innovation of the Institute of Agrophysics PAS in Lublin

On October 15th the Institute of Agrophysics PAS and the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development signed the agreement on realization of the project: "Centre of Research & Innovation of the Institute of Agrophysics PAS in Lublin" in frame of the Operational Programme of Development of Eastern Poland 2007-2013.  Priority Axis I.3. Support for innovations.

Budget of the project is 26 429 717,53 PLN, where the founding of EFRR is 22 465 259,89 PLN and the contribution of the state budget is 1 321 485,88 PLN.

CBI project is the third big investment realized by Institute of Agrophysics PAS in frame of the Operational Programme of Development of Eastern Poland 2007-2013. 

In addition to the projects: “Infrastructure development and laboratories refitting of the Centre of Excellence AGROPHYSICS” and “Regional Laboratory of Renewable Energy”, the CBI project will be an important part of the process of creating a strong research centre in Lublin dealing with the issues of renewable energy, the environment and food production.

The project will include the construction and equipment of the object playing the laboratory role as well as making the possibility of testing in a small, quarter-scale some of the technical production processes, i.e. algae cultivation and production of these renewable energy sources, the production of new forms of biomass, waste digestate, innovative models of oil rapeseed production, simulation of soil erosion, plant growth and also simulation of the storage of fruits and vegetables. An important element of the project will be created modern microbiological and biochemical laboratories, fields considered to be extremely growing and increasingly used in natural sciences.

New research capability will create the possibility of self-play and simulation of the production processes and it will approach significantly the Institute of Agrophysics PAS to R & D area. Then essence of this project is to obtain the feedback effect between the basic research, developing in the Institute of Agrophysics PAS, and the actual production processes  on an industrial scale.

Because of the CBI project, the work of  Institute will obtain a new dimension and will create a possibility of realization of advanced research in the field of basic and applied studies but also will provide confrontation of results of the study with real processes occurring in the environment, soil and plant material in natural conditions and during the technological processes.

The history and schedule of project realization

Realized activities:

Schedule of activities: