Zakład Fizykochemii Materiałów Porowatych


Lp. autorzy tytuł czasopismo
  1. Czachor H., Hallett P., Lichner L., Józefaciuk G.:  Pore shape and organic compounds drive major changes in the hydrological characteristics of agricultural soils (2013 r.) European Journal of Soil Science 2013, Vol. 64, 334-344
  2. Sowa I., Kocjan R., Wójciak-Kosior M., Świeboda R., Zajdel D., Hajnos M.:  Physicochemical properties of silica gel coated with a thin layer of polyaniline (PANI) and its application in non-suppressed ion chromatography (2013 r.) Talanta 2013, Vol. 115, 451-456
  3. Bieganowski A., Witkowska-Walczak B., Gliński J., Sokołowska Z., Sławiński C., Brzezińska M., Włodarczyk T.:  Database of Polish arable mineral soils: a review (2013 r.) International Agrophysics 2013, Vol. 27, 3, 335-350
  4. Sokołowska Z., Bowanko G., Boguta P., Tys J., Skiba K.:  Characteristics of rapeseed oil cake using nitrogen adsorption (2013 r.) International Agrophysics 2013, Vol. 27, 3, 329-334
  5. Kurochkina G., Pinskiy D., Fedotov G., Hajnos M., Sokołowska Z., Cieśla J.:  Transformation of the structural organization of clay sediments and soils under the impact of polyelectrolytes (2013 r.) Eurasian Soil Science 2013, Vol. 46, 8, 897-907
  6. Fornal J., Sadowska J., Błaszczak W., Jeliński T., Molenda M., Stasiak M., Hajnos M.:  Influence of some chemical modifications on the characteristics of potato starch powders. (2012 r.) Journal of Food Engineering 2012, Vol. 108, 515-522
  7. Lipiec J., Hajnos M., Świeboda R.:  Estimating effects of compaction on pore size distribution of soil aggregates by mercury porosimeter. (2012 r.) Geoderma 2012, Vol. 179-180, 20-27
  8. Boguta P., Sokołowska Z.:  Influence of phosphate ions on buffer capacity of soil humic acids. (2012 r.) International Agrophysics 2012, Vol. 26, 1, 7-14
  9. Wierzchoś J., Davila A., Sanchez-Almazo I., Hajnos M., Świeboda R., Ascaso C.:  Novel water source for endolithic life in the hyperarid core of the Atacama Desert. (2012 r.) Biogeosciences 2012, Vol. 9, 2275-2286
  10. Szatanik-Kloc A.:  Effect of pH and zinc stress on micropore system of rye roots (2012 r.) International Agrophysics 2012, Vol. 26, 3, 311-316
  11. Pizio O., Sokołowski S., Sokołowska Z.:  Electric double layer capacitance of restricted primitive model for an ionic fluid in slit-like nanopores: A density functional approach (2012 r.) Journal of Chemical Physics 2012, Vol. 137, 234705, 1-10
  12. Borówko M., Sokołowski S., Staszewski T., Sokołowska Z., Ilnyskyi J.:  Adsorption of ions on surfaces modified with brushes of polyampholytes. (2012 r.) Journal of Chemical Physics 2012, Vol. 137, 7, 074707-1-074707-10
  13. Księżopolska A., Pazur M.:  Surface properties of bentonite and illite complexes with humus acids (2011 r.) Clay Minerals 2011, Vol. 46, 149-156
  14. Brzezińska M., Sokołowska Z., Alekseeva T., Alekseev A., Hajnos M., Szarlip P.:  Some characteristics of organic soils irrigated with municipal wastewater. (2011 r.) Land Degradation & Development 2011, Vol. 22, 6, 586-595
  15. Księżopolska A.:  Organic matter as the greatest bioenergy potential of soils – surface activity of humus substances. (2011 r.) Ecological Chemistry and Engineering S 2011, Vol. 18, 4, 488-499
  16. Pizio O., Sokołowska Z., Sokołowski S.:  Microscopic structure and thermodynamics of a coresoftened model fluid from the second-order integral equations theory. (2011 r.) Condensed Matter Physics 2011, Vol. 14, 1, 13601, 1-12
  17. Sokołowska Z., Szajdak L., Boguta P.:  Effect of phosphates on dissolved organic matter release from peat-muck soils (2011 r.) International Agrophysics 2011, Vol. 25, 2, 173-180
  18. Pizio O., Sokołowski S., Sokołowska Z.:  Phase behavior of binary symmetric mixtures in pillared slit-like pores: a density functional approach (2011 r.) Journal of Chemical Physics 2011, Vol. 134, 2, 214702
  19. Księżopolska A., Włodarczyk T., Gliński J., Flis-Bujak M.:  Respiration of soil enriched with manure and mineral materials (methodical aspects) (2011 r.) Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 2011, Vol. 20, 2, 387-392
  20. Alekseeva T., Alekseev A., Demkin V., Alekseeva V., Kalinin P., Sokołowska Z., Hajnos M.:  Physicochemical and mineralogical diagnostic features of solonetzic process in soils of the Lower Volga region in the late Holocene. (2010 r.) Eurasian Soil Science 2010, Vol. 43, 10, 1083-1101