Biogeochemii Środowiska Przyrodniczego
Laboratorium Zastosowań Optycznych Technik Pomiarowych


Lp. autorzy tytuł czasopismo
  1. Walkiewicz A., Bulak P., Brzezińska M., Wnuk E., Bieganowski A.:  Methane oxidation in heavy metal contaminated Mollic Gleysol under oxic and hypoxic conditions (2016 r.) Environmental Pollution 2016, Vol. 213, 403-411
  2. Bieganowski A., Jaromin-Gleń K., Guz Ł., Łagód G., Józefaciuk G., Franus W., Suchorab Z., Sobczuk H.:  Evaluating Soil Moisture Status Using an e-Nose (2016 r.) Sensors 2016, Vol. 16, 886, 1-13
  3. Cieśla J., Koczańska M., Narkiewicz-Michałek J., Szymula M., Bieganowski A.:  The physicochemical properties of CTAB solutions in the presence of α-tocopherol (2016 r.) Journal of Molecular Liquids 2016, Vol. 222, 463-470
  4. Ryżak M., Bieganowski A., Korbiel T.:  Sound Wave Energy Resulting from the Impact of Water Drops on the Soil Surface (2016 r.) PLoS One 2016, Vol. 11, 7, e0158472
  5. Lipiec J., Siczek A., Sochan A., Bieganowski A.:  Effect of sand grain shape on root and shoot growth of wheat seedlings (2016 r.) Geoderma 2016, Vol. 265, 1-5
  6. Stelmach W., Szarlip P., Trembaczowski A., Bieganowski A., Kuzyakov Y.:  Suppression of soil organic matter decomposition by gasoline and diesel as assessed by 13C natural abundance (2016 r.) European Journal of Soil Biology 2016, 8-14
  7. Guz Ł., Łagód G., Jaromin-Gleń K., Suchorab Z., Sobczuk H., Bieganowski A.:  Application of Gas Sensor Arrays in Assessment of Wastewater Purification Effects. (2015 r.) Sensors 2015, Vol. 15, 1, 1-21
  8. Ryżak M., Bieganowski A., Polakowski C.:  Effect of Soil Moisture Content on the Splash Phenomenon Reproducibility. (2015 r.) PLoS One 2015, Vol. 10(3): e0119269, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0119269,
  9. Korbiel T., Ryżak M., Przech D., Lamorski K., Bieganowski A.:  A System for Recording the Dynamics of the Water Drop’s Impact on a Surface. (2015 r.) Measurement and Control 2015, Vol. 48, 5, 149-156
  10. Janczarek M., Rachwał K., Cieśla J., Ginalska G., Bieganowski A.:  Production of exopolysaccharide by Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii and its role in bacterial attachment and surface properties. (2015 r.) Plant and Soil 2015, Vol. 388, 1-2, 211-227
  11. Sochan A., Zieliński P., Bieganowski A.:  Selection of shape parameters that differentiate sand grains, based on the automatic analysis of two-dimensional images. (2015 r.) Sedimentary Geology 2015, Vol. 327, 14-20
  12. Widomski M., Stępniewski W., Horn R., Bieganowski A., Gazda L., Franus M., Pawłowska M.:  Shrink-swell potential, hydraulic conductivity and geotechnical properties of clay materials for landfill liner construction (2015 r.) International Agrophysics 2015, Vol. 29, 3, 365-375
  13. Polakowski C., Ryżak M., Bieganowski A., Sochan A., Bartmiński P., Dębicki R., Stelmach W.:  The Reasons for Incorrect Measurements of the Mass Fraction Ratios of Fine and Coarse Material by Laser Diffraction. (2015 r.) Soil Science Society of America Journal 2015, Vol. 79, 1, 30-36
  14. Sochan A., Bieganowski A., Bartmiński P., Ryżak M., Brzezińska M., Dębicki R., Stuczyński T., Polakowski C.:  Use of the Laser Diffraction Method for Assessment of the Pipette Method. (2015 r.) Soil Science Society of America Journal 2015, Vol. 79, 1, 37-42
  15. Kurochkina G., Pinskiy D., Hajnos M., Sokołowska Z., Cieśla J.:  Electrokinetic properties of soil minerals and soils modified with polyelectrolytes. (2014 r.) Eurasian Soil Science 2014, Vol. 47, 7, 699-706
  16. Lamorski K., Bieganowski A., Ryżak M., Sochan A., Sławiński C., Stelmach W.:  Assessment of the usefulness of particle size distribution measured by laser differaction for soil water retention modelling. (2014 r.) Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 2014, Vol. 177, 5, 803-813
  17. Sochan A., Polakowski C., Łagód G.:  Impact of optical indices on particle size distribution of activated sludge measured by laser diffraction method. (2014 r.) Ecological Chemistry and Engineering S 2014, Vol. 21, 1, 137-145
  18. Szarlip P., Stelmach W., Jaromin-Gleń K., Bieganowski A., Brzezińska M., Trembaczowski A., Hałas S., Łagód G.:  Comparison of the dynamics of natural biodegradation of petrol and diesel oil in soil. (2014 r.) Desalination and Water Treatment 2014, Vol. 52, 19-21, 3690-3697
  19. Polakowski C., Sochan A., Bieganowski A., Ryżak M., Földényi R., Tóth J.:  Influence of the sand particle shape on particle size distribution measured by laser diffraction method (2014 r.) International Agrophysics 2014, Vol. 28, 2, 195-200
  20. Babko R., Kuzmina T., Jaromin-Gleń K., Bieganowski A.:  Bioindication assessment of activated sludge adaptation in a lab-scale experiment. (2014 r.) Ecological Chemistry and Engineering S 2014, Vol. 21, (4): DOI: 10.1515/eces-2014-0043, 605-616