Zakład Biogeochemii Środowiska Przyrodniczego


Lp. autorzy tytuł czasopismo
  1. Ryżak M., Bieganowski A., Polakowski C.:  Effect of Soil Moisture Content on the Splash Phenomenon Reproducibility. (2015 r.) PLoS One 2015, Vol. 10(3): e0119269, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0119269,
  2. Polak-Berecka M., Choma A., Waśko A., Górska S., Gamian A., Cybulska J.:  Physicochemical characterization of exopolysaccharides produced by Lactobacillus rhamnosus on various carbon sources. (2015 r.) Carbohydrate Polymers 2015, Vol. 117, 501-509
  3. Korbiel T., Ryżak M., Przech D., Lamorski K., Bieganowski A.:  A System for Recording the Dynamics of the Water Drop’s Impact on a Surface. (2015 r.) Measurement and Control 2015, Vol. 48, 5, 149-156
  4. Janczarek M., Rachwał K., Cieśla J., Ginalska G., Bieganowski A.:  Production of exopolysaccharide by Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii and its role in bacterial attachment and surface properties. (2015 r.) Plant and Soil 2015, Vol. 388, 1-2, 211-227
  5. Sochan A., Zieliński P., Bieganowski A.:  Selection of shape parameters that differentiate sand grains, based on the automatic analysis of two-dimensional images. (2015 r.) Sedimentary Geology 2015, Vol. 327, 14-20
  6. Lipiec J., Brzezińska M., Turski M., Szarlip P., Frąc M.:  Wettability and biogeochemical properties of the drilosphere and casts of endogeic earthworms in pear orchard. (2015 r.) Soil & Tillage Research 2015, Vol. 145, 55-61
  7. Polak-Berecka M., Waśko A., Kubik-Komar A.:  Optimization of Culture Conditions for Exopolysaccharide Production by a Probiotic Strain of Lactobacillus rhamnosus E/N (2014 r.) Polish Journal of Microbiology 2014, Vol. 63, 2, 253-257
  8. Stelmach W., Szarlip P., Trembaczowski A.:  Changes of isotopic composition in gases emitted from wastewater treatment plant - preliminary study. (2014 r.) Ecological Chemistry and Engineering S 2014, Vol. 21, 2, 245-254
  9. Włodarczyk T., Szarlip P., Kozieł W., Nosalewicz M., Brzezińska M., Pazur M., Urbanek E.:  Effect of long storage and soil type on the actual denitrification and denitrification capacity to N2O formation (2014 r.) International Agrophysics 2014, Vol. 28, 3, 371-381
  10. Kurochkina G., Pinskiy D., Hajnos M., Sokołowska Z., Cieśla J.:  Electrokinetic properties of soil minerals and soils modified with polyelectrolytes. (2014 r.) Eurasian Soil Science 2014, Vol. 47, 7, 699-706
  11. Lamorski K., Bieganowski A., Ryżak M., Sochan A., Sławiński C., Stelmach W.:  Assessment of the usefulness of particle size distribution measured by laser differaction for soil water retention modelling. (2014 r.) Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 2014, Vol. 177, 5, 803-813
  12. Sochan A., Polakowski C., Łagód G.:  Impact of optical indices on particle size distribution of activated sludge measured by laser diffraction method. (2014 r.) Ecological Chemistry and Engineering S 2014, Vol. 21, 1, 137-145
  13. Polak-Berecka M., Szwajgier D., Waśko A.:  Biosorption of Al+3 and Cd+2 by an Exopolysaccharide from Lactobacillus rhamnosus (2014 r.) Journal of Food Science 2014, Vol. 79, 11, T2404-T2408
  14. Brzezińska M., Urbanek E., Szarlip P., Włodarczyk T., Bulak P., Walkiewicz A., Rafalski P.:  Methanogenic potential of archived soils (2014 r.) Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2014, Vol. 9, 2, 79-90
  15. Szarlip P., Stelmach W., Jaromin-Gleń K., Bieganowski A., Brzezińska M., Trembaczowski A., Hałas S., Łagód G.:  Comparison of the dynamics of natural biodegradation of petrol and diesel oil in soil. (2014 r.) Desalination and Water Treatment 2014, Vol. 52, 19-21, 3690-3697
  16. Bulak P., Walkiewicz A., Brzezińska M.:  Plant growth regulators-assisted phytoextraction. (2014 r.) Biologia Plantarum 2014, Vol. 58, 1, 1-8
  17. Siczek A., Lipiec J., Wielbo J., Kidaj D., Szarlip P.:  Symbiotic Activity of Pea (Pisum sativum) after Application of Nod Factors under Field Conditions. (2014 r.) International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2014, Vol. 15, 7344-7351
  18. Szajdak L., Lipiec J., Siczek A., Nosalewicz A., Majewska U.:  Leaching kinetics of atrazine and inorganic chemicals in tilled and orchard soils (2014 r.) International Agrophysics 2014, Vol. 28, 2, 231-237
  19. Polakowski C., Sochan A., Bieganowski A., Ryżak M., Földényi R., Tóth J.:  Influence of the sand particle shape on particle size distribution measured by laser diffraction method (2014 r.) International Agrophysics 2014, Vol. 28, 2, 195-200
  20. Babko R., Kuzmina T., Jaromin-Gleń K., Bieganowski A.:  Bioindication assessment of activated sludge adaptation in a lab-scale experiment. (2014 r.) Ecological Chemistry and Engineering S 2014, Vol. 21, (4): DOI: 10.1515/eces-2014-0043, 605-616