Fizycznych Właściwości Materiałów Roślinnych
Laboratorium Mechaniki Materiałów Sypkich


Lp. autorzy tytuł czasopismo
  1. Rybiński W., Bańda M., Bocianowski J., Börner A., Starzycki M., Szot B.:  Estimation of mechanical properties of seeds of common vetch accessions (Vicia sativa L.) and their chemical composition (2015 r.) Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 2015, Vol. 62, 3, 361-375
  2. Wiącek J., Molenda M.:  Microstructure and micromechanics of polydisperse granular materials: Effect of the shape of particle size distribution (2014 r.) Powder Technology 2014, Vol. 268, 237-243
  3. Wiącek J., Molenda M.:  Effect of particle polydispersity on micromechanical properties and energy dissipation in granular mixtures (2014 r.) Particuology 2014, Vol. 16, 91-99
  4. Wiącek J., Molenda M.:  Effect of particle size distribution on micro- and macromechanical response of granular packings under compression (2014 r.) International Journal of Solids and Structures 2014, Vol. 51, 4189-4195
  5. Parafiniuk P., Molenda M., Horabik J.:  Influence of particle shape and sample width on uniaxial compression of assembly of prolate spheroids examined by discrete element method (2014 r.) Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 2014, Vol. 416, 279-289
  6. Stasiak M., Molenda M., Horabik J., Mueller P., Opaliński I.:  Mechanical properties of potato starch modified by moisture content and addition of lubricant. (2014 r.) International Agrophysics 2014, Vol. 28, 4, 501-509
  7. Salerno M., Żukowska A., Thorat S., Ruffilli R., Stasiak M., Molenda M.:  High resolution imaging of native wheat and potato starch granules based on local mechanical contrast. (2014 r.) Journal of Food Engineering 2014, Vol. 128, 96-102
  8. Kobyłka R., Molenda M.:  DEM simulations of loads on obstruction attached to the wall of a model grain silo and of flow disturbance around the obstruction. (2014 r.) Powder Technology 2014, Vol. 256, 210-216
  9. Müller P., Aman S., Stasiak M., Tomas J.:  Investigation on the impact and compression behavior of wet γ-Al2O3 granules. (2014 r.) Granular Matter 2014, Vol. 16, 3, 349-357
  10. Rusinek R., Kobyłka R.:  Experimental study and discrete element method modeling of temperature distributions in rapeseed stored in a model bin (2014 r.) Journal of Stored Products Research 2014, Vol. 59, 254-259
  11. Taranko R., Parafiniuk P.:  Influence of the Coulomb interaction on the spin-polarized current in the quantum dot system in the presence of the bias voltage pulse (2013 r.) Physica E 2013, Vol. 49, 5-12
  12. Kobyłka R., Molenda M.:  DEM modelling of silo load asymmetry due to eccentric filling and discharge (2013 r.) Powder Technology 2013, Vol. 233, 65-71
  13. Stasiak M., Molenda M., Opaliński I., Błaszczak W.:  Mechanical properties of native maize, wheat, and potato starches (2013 r.) Czech Journal of Food Sciences 2013, Vol. 31, 4, 347-354
  14. Parafiniuk P., Molenda M., Horabik J.:  Discharge of rapeseeds from a model silo: Physical testing and discrete element method simulations (2013 r.) Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 2013, Vol. 97, 40-46
  15. Wiącek J., Molenda M., Horabik J., Ooi J.:  Influence of grain shape and intergranular friction on material behavior in uniaxial compression: Experimental and DEM modeling. (2012 r.) Powder Technology 2012, Vol. 217, 435-442
  16. Opaliński I., Chutkowski M., Stasiak M.:  Characterizing moist food-powder flowability using a Jenike shear-tester. (2012 r.) Journal of Food Engineering 2012, Vol. 108, 51-58
  17. Fornal J., Sadowska J., Błaszczak W., Jeliński T., Molenda M., Stasiak M., Hajnos M.:  Influence of some chemical modifications on the characteristics of potato starch powders. (2012 r.) Journal of Food Engineering 2012, Vol. 108, 515-522
  18. Wiącek J., Molenda M., Ooi J., Favier J.:  Experimental and numerical determination of representative elementary volume for granular plant materials. (2012 r.) Granular Matter 2012, Vol. 14, 449-456
  19. Stasiak M., Skiba K., Molenda M., Tys J., Mościcki L.:  The Mechanical Parameters of Rapeseed Cake. (2012 r.) Energy Sources, Part A 2012, Vol. 34, 13, 1196-1205
  20. Stasiak M., Rusinek R., Molenda M., Fornal J., Błaszczak W.:  Effect of potato starch modification on mechanical parameters and granules morphology. (2011 r.) Journal of Food Engineering 2011, 102, 154-162, (DOI information:n10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2010.07.034)