Publications for period 2016

Chapter in English monograph


No. authors title periodic
  1. Grundas S., Wrigley C.:  Ultrastructure of the Wheat Grain, Flour, and Dough (2016 r.) Encyclopedia of Food Grains, 2nd Edition 2016, Vol. 3, 384-395
  2. Grundas S., Wrigley C.:  Wheat: Harvesting, Transport, and Storage (2016 r.) Encyclopedia of Food Grains, 2nd Edition 2016, Vol. 4, 42-49
  3. Szajdak L., Lipiec J., Siczek A., Kotowska U.:  Rate of leaching of organic and inorganic compounds in tilled and orchard soils (2016 r.) Bioactive Compounds in Agricultural Soils 2016, 131-148
  4. Guz Ł., Drewnowski J., Łagód G., Piotrowicz A., Suchorab Z., Jaromin-Gleń K.:  Using on-line measurement by electronic nose and computer simulations for real-time control at WWTP (2016 r.) Proceedings of 8th Eastern European Young Water Professionals Conference 2016, 773-779