Publications for period 2004

Other publications

No. authors title periodic
  1. Miś A., Grundas S.:  Influence of the moistening and drying of wheat grain on ist hardness (2004 r.) International Agrophysics 2004, Int. Agrophysics, 18, 1, 47-53 
  2. Sokołowska Z., Hajnos M., Elias E., Alaily F.:  Characteristics of the specific surface area of Vertisols from the Gezira region in Sudan (2004 r.) International Agrophysics 2004, Int. Agrophysics, 18, 1, 83-90 
  3. Bieganowski A.:  Comparison of two- and three-electrode systems in measurements of potential oxygen flux density in soil (2004 r.) International Agrophysics 2004, Int. Agrophysics, 18, 2, 111-120 
  4. Ferrero A., Sudiro L., Nosalewicz A., Lipiec J.:  Effects of grass cover and tillage on temperature of soil in sloping vineyard (2004 r.) International Agrophysics 2004, Int. Agrophysics, 18, 2, 121-126 
  5. Stępniewska Z., Szmagara A.:  Effect of acetylene block on measurement of N2O emission from soils (2004 r.) International Agrophysics 2004, Int. Agrophysics, 18, 2, 167-173 
  6. Witkowska-Walczak B., Turski M.:  Porosity and water useful for plants in Luvisols created from sandy silt and silt (2004 r.) International Agrophysics 2004, Int. Agrophysics, 18, 2, 189-194 
  7. Brzezińska M., Włodarczyk T., Gliński J.:  Effect of methane on soil dehydrogenase activity (2004 r.) International Agrophysics 2004, Int. Agrophysics, 18, 3, 213-216 
  8. Czachor H., Lipiec J.:  Quantification od soil macroporosity with image analysis (2004 r.) International Agrophysics 2004, Int. Agrophysics, 18, 3, 217-223 
  9. Bieganowski A.:  Determination of the in voltammetric measurements of oxygen flux in the soil with the use of two- and three-electrode systems (2004 r.) International Agrophysics 2004, Int. Agrophysics, 18,4, 305-310 
  10. Dąbek-Szreniawska M., Kuś J., Blashov E.:  Effect of management practices on soil organic matter, microbial biomass and aggregate stability of Orthic Luvisol (2004 r.) International Agrophysics 2004, Int. Agrophysics, 18, 4, 311-315 
  11. Horn R., Stępniewski W.:  Modification of mineral liner to improve its long-term stability (2004 r.) International Agrophysics 2004, Int. Agrophysics, 18, 4, 317-323 
  12. Lipiec J., Janas P., Barabasz W.:  Effect of oscillating magnetic field pulses on the survival of selected microorganisms (2004 r.) International Agrophysics 2004, Int. Agrophysics, 18, 4, 325-328 
  13. Molenda M., Horabik J., Thompson S., Ross I.:  Effects of grain properties on loads in model silo (2004 r.) International Agrophysics 2004, Int. Agrophysics, 18, 4, 329-332 
  14. Rybiński W., Szot B., Pokora L.:  Estimation of genetic variation of traits and physical properties of seeds for grass pea mutants (Lathyrus sativus L.) (2004 r.) International Agrophysics 2004, Int. Agrophysics, 18, 4, 339-346 
  15. Skierucha W., Wilczek A., Walczak R.:  Comparison of Open-Ended Coax and TDR sensors for the measurement of soil dielectric permittivity in microwave frequencies (2004 r.) International Agrophysics 2004, Int. Agrophysics, 18, 4, 355-362 
  16. Sokołowska Z., Matyka-Sarzyńska D., Bowanko G.:  Specific surface area of Lublin Polesie mucks determined from water vapour and nitrogen adsorption data (2004 r.) International Agrophysics 2004, Int. Agrophysics, 18, 4, 363-368 
  17. Włodarczyk T., Stępniewska Z., Brzezińska M., Pindelska E., Przywara G.:  Influence of methane concentration on methanotrophic activity of Mollic Gleysol and Haplic Podzol (2004 r.) International Agrophysics 2004, Int. Agrophysics, 18, 4, 375-379 
  18. Grundas S., Sosnowski S.:  Monitoring procesu nawilżania ziarna pszenicy zwyczajnej przy zastosowaniu aparatu "SKCS" (2004 r.) Wisnik Lwiwskogo Dierżawnogo Agraranogo Uniwiersitietu 2004, Wisnik Lwiwskogo Dierżawnogo Agraranogo Uniwiersitietu, 8, 524-530 
  19. Szwed G., Pecen J.:  Właściwości mechaniczne ziarniaków pszenicy poddanych obciążeniom dynamicznym (2004 r.) Wisnik Lwiwskogo Dierżawnogo Agraranogo Uniwiersitietu 2004, Wisnik Lwiwskogo Dierżawnogo Agraranogo Uniwiersitietu, 8, 593-598 
  20. Włodarczyk T., Gliński J., Kotowska U.:  N2O emission from mineral soils - Reviews (2004 r.) Research in Agricultural Engineering Zemedelska Technika 2004, Research in Agricultural Engineering Zemedelska Technika, 117-122