Publications for period 1997

Polish journals of international impact


No. authors title periodic
  1. Walczak R., Witkowska-Walczak B., Baranowski P.:  Soil structure parameters in models of crop growth and yield prediction. Physical submodels. (1997 r.) International Agrophysics 1997, 11, 1-2, 111-127 
  2. Polubesova T., Pachepsky Y., Hajnos M., Józefaciuk G., Sokołowska Z.:  Comparison of three techniques to assess surface heterogeneity of solids in soils. (1997 r.) International Agrophysics 1997, vol. 11, 3, 189-198 
  3. Stępniewska Z., Gliński J., Włodarczyk T., Brzezińska M., Blum W., Rampazzo N., Wimer B.:  Soil aeration status of some Austrian soils. (1997 r.) International Agrophysics 1997, vol. 11, 3, 199-206 
  4. Zdunek A., Konstankiewicz K.:  Acoustic emission as a method for the detection of fractures in the plant tissue caused by the external forces. (1997 r.) International Agrophysics 1997, 11, 3, 223-227 
  5. Dobrzański B., Szot B.:  Mechanical properties of pea seed coat. (1997 r.) International Agrophysics 1997, vol. 11, 4, 301-306 
  6. Józefaciuk G., Dębicki R., Alekseeva T., Alekseev A.:  Model studies on crust formation in artificial soil. (1997 r.) Polish Journal of Soil Science 1997, vol. 30, 1, 15-20 
  7. Witkowska-Walczak B.:  Hydrophysical properties of Podzol, Cambisol and Luvisol Aggregates. Part. I. Water resistance of the aggregates. (1997 r.) Polish Journal of Soil Science 1997, vol. 30, 1, 21-29 
  8. Hajnos M., Matyka-Sarzyńska D.:  Comparison of receding contact angles and solid surface free energy components of modified kaolin from thin- layer wicking technique and sessile drop method. (1997 r.) Polish Journal of Soil Science 1997, vol. 30, 1, 45-52 
  9. Witkowska-Walczak B.:  Hydrophysical characteristics of aggregates: Orthic Podzol, Eutric Cambisol, and Orthic Luvisol. Part II. Water retention curves. (1997 r.) Polish Journal of Soil Science 1997, vol. 30, 2, 1-6 
  10. Dębicki R., Wiater J.:  Effect of various forms of slurry on some soil fertility indices. (1997 r.) Polish Journal of Soil Science 1997, vol. 30, 2, 65-71 
  11. Kozak E., Stefaniak W., Goworek J., Sokołowska Z., Sokołowski S.:  Soil material porosity characterization by thermal desorption of liquids., (1997 r.) Porous Materials 1997, 4, 45-50 
  12. Grundas S.:  Advantage of Physical Properties of Single Kernels of Wheat to Evaluation of its Utility Values. (1997 r.) Europe New American Association of Cereal Chemists (AACC) 1997, 6-7 
  13. Muranyi A., Fuleky G., Józefaciuk G.:  Effect of ammonium uptake on the acidification of the root zone and the cadmium uptake of ryegrass seedlings. (1997 r.) Agrokemia Es Talajtan 1997, 46, 1-4, 197-206 
  14. Lipiec J., Gliński J.:  Field soil compaction: effect on soil physical properties and stomatal resistance of wheat. (1997 r.) China Science & Technology Press 1997, 422-427