Publications for period 2018

Impact Factor


No. authors title periodic
  1. Siczek A., Frąc M., Wielbo J., Kidaj D.:  Benefits of flavonoids and straw mulch application on soil microbial activity in pea rhizosphere (2018 r.) International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 2018, 1-10
  2. Lipiec J., Świeboda R., Chodorowski J., Turski M., Hajnos M.:  Pore size distribution and stability of ortstein and overlying horizons in podzolic soils under forest (2018 r.) Geoderma 2018, Vol. 310, 138-142
  3. Pieczywek P., Cybulska J., Szymańska-Chargot M., Siedliska A., Zdunek A., Nosalewicz A., Baranowski P., Kurenda A.:  Early detection of fungal infection of stored apple fruit with optical sensors – comparison of biospeckle, hyperspectral imaging and chlorophyll fluorescence (2018 r.) Food Control 2018, Vol. 85, 327-338
  4. Miś A., Nawrocka A., Lamorski K., Dziki D.:  Dynamics of gas cell coalescence during baking expansion of leavened dough (2018 r.) Food Research International 2018, Vol. 103, 30-39
  5. Leszczuk A., Szczuka E.:  Arabinogalactan proteins: Immunolocalization in the developing ovary of a facultative apomict Fragaria x ananassa (Duch.) (2018 r.) Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 2018, Vol. 123, 24-33
  6. Szatanik-Kloc A., Horn R., Lipiec J., Siczek A., Szerement J.:  Soil compaction-induced changes of physicochemical properties of cereal roots (2018 r.) Soil and Tillage Research 2018, Vol. 175, 226-233
  7. Bulak P., Lata L., Plak A., Wiącek D., Strobel W., Walkiewicz A., Pietruszewski S., Bieganowski A.:  Electromagnetic field pretreatment of Sinapis alba seeds improved cadmium phytoextraction (2018 r.) International Journal of Phytoremediation 2018, Vol. 20(4), 361-365
  8. Stasiak M., Molenda M., Gancarz M., Wiącek J., Parafiniuk P., Lisowski A.:  Characterization of shear behaviour in consolidated granular biomass (2018 r.) Powder Technology 2018, Vol. 327, 120-127
  9. Kobyłka R., Horabik J., Molenda M.:  Development of a rarefaction wave at discharge initiation in a storage silo-DEM simulations (2018 r.) Particuology 2018, Vol. 36, 37-49
  10. Ruiz-Ramos M., Ferrise R., Rodríguez A., Lorite I., Bindii M., Carter T., Fronzek S., Palosuo T., Pirttioja N., Baranowski P., Buis S., Cammarano D., Chen Y., Dumont B., Ewert F., Gaiser T., Hlavinka P., Hoffmann H., Höhn J., Jurecka F., Kersebaum K., Krzyszczak J., Lana M., Mechiche-Alami A., Minet J., Montesino M., Nendel C., Porter J., Ruget F., Semenov M., Steinmetz Z., Stratonovitch P., Supit I., Tao F., Trnka M., de Wit A., Rötter R.:  Adaptation response surfaces for managing wheat under perturbed climate and CO2 in a Mediterranean environment (2018 r.) Agricultural Systems 2018, Vol. 159, 159, 260-274
  11. Oszust K., Panek J., Pertile G., Oleszek M., Frąc M., Siczek A.:  Metabolic and Genetic Properties of Petriella setifera Precultured on Waste (2018 r.) Frontiers in Microbiology 2018, Vol. 10.3389/fmicb.2018.00115,
  12. Horabik J., Sochan A., Beczek M., Mazur R., Ryżak M., Parafiniuk P., Kobyłka R., Bieganowski A.:  Discrete element method simulations and experimental study of interactions in 3D granular bedding during low-velocity impact (2018 r.) Powder Technology 2018, Vol. 340, 52-67
  13. Gawkowska D., Cybulska J., Zdunek A.:  Structure-Related Gelling of Pectins and Linking with Other Natural Compounds: A Review (2018 r.) Polymers 2018, Vol. 10(7), 762,,