Publications for period 2013

Impact Factor

No. authors title periodic
  1. Lichner L., Hallett P., Drongová Z., Czachor H., Kováčik L., Mataix-Solerae J., Homolák M.:  Algae influence the hydrophysical parameters of a sandy soil. (2013 r.) Catena 2013, Vol. 108, 58-68
  2. Ryżak M., Sochan A.:  A simple method for estimating particle numbers using a laser diffractometer (2013 r.) Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 2013, Vol. 22, 1, 213-218
  3. Gładyszewska B., Baranowski P., Mazurek W., Woźniak J., Gładyszewski G.:  External barrel temperature of a small bore olympic rifle and shooting precision (2013 r.) Biology of Sport 2013, Vol. 30, 1, 47-50
  4. Oleszek M., Tys J.:  Pomiar uzysku biogazu w skali laboratoryjnej/ Lab scale measurement of biogas yield (2013 r.) Przemysł Chemiczny 2013, Vol. 92, 1, 126-130
  5. Trębacz H., Zdunek A., Cybulska J., Pieczywek P.:  Effects of fatigue on microstructure and mechanical properties of bone organic matrix under compression (2013 r.) Australasian Physical & Engineering Sciences in Medicine 2013, Vol. DOI 10.1007/s13246-013-0185-1,
  6. Taranko R., Parafiniuk P.:  Influence of the Coulomb interaction on the spin-polarized current in the quantum dot system in the presence of the bias voltage pulse (2013 r.) Physica E 2013, Vol. 49, 5-12
  7. Czachor H., Lichner L.:  Temperature influences water sorptivity of soil aggregates (2013 r.) Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics 2013, Vol. 61, 1, 84-87
  8. Cieśla J., Bieganowski A., Narkiewicz-Michałek J., Szymula M.:  Use of a Dynamic Light Scattering Technique for SDS/Water/Pentanol Studies (2013 r.) Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology 2013, Vol. 34, 4, 566-574
  9. Balakhnina T., Borkowska A.:  Effects of silicon on plant resistance to environmental stresses: review. (2013 r.) International Agrophysics 2013, Vol. 27, 2, 225-232
  10. Czachor H., Hallett P., Lichner L., Józefaciuk G.:  Pore shape and organic compounds drive major changes in the hydrological characteristics of agricultural soils (2013 r.) European Journal of Soil Science 2013, Vol. 64, 334-344
  11. Hajnos M., Całka A., Józefaciuk G.:  Wettability of mineral soils (2013 r.) Geoderma 2013, Vol. 206, 63-69
  12. Borówko M., Rżysko W., Sokołowski S., Sokołowska Z., Usatenko Z.:  Stretching tethered polymer chains: Density functional approach (2013 r.) The Journal of Chemical Physics 2013, Vol. 138, 20,
  13. Kurenda A., Pieczywek P., Adamiak A., Zdunek A.:  Effect of Cytochalasin B, Lantrunculin B, Colchicine, Cycloheximid, Dimethyl Sulfoxide and Ion Channel Inhibitors on Biospeckle Activity in Apple Tissue (2013 r.) Food Biophysics 2013, Vol. 8, 4, 290-296
  14. Sowa I., Kocjan R., Wójciak-Kosior M., Świeboda R., Zajdel D., Hajnos M.:  Physicochemical properties of silica gel coated with a thin layer of polyaniline (PANI) and its application in non-suppressed ion chromatography (2013 r.) Talanta 2013, Vol. 115, 451-456
  15. Cybulska J., Zdunek A., Psonka-Antończyk K., Stokke B.:  The relation of apple texture with cell wall nanostructure studied using an atomic force microscope (2013 r.) Carbohydrate Polymers 2013, Vol. 92, 1, 128-137
  16. Szymańska-Chargot M., Zdunek A.:  Use of FT-IR spectra and PCA to the bulk characterization of cell wall residues of fruits and vegetables along a fraction process (2013 r.) Food Biophysics 2013, Vol. 8, 29-42
  17. Stasiak M., Molenda M., Opaliński I., Błaszczak W.:  Mechanical properties of native maize, wheat, and potato starches (2013 r.) Czech Journal of Food Sciences 2013, Vol. 31, 4, 347-354
  18. Siczek A., Lipiec J., Wielbo J., Szarlip P., Kidaj D.:  Pea growth and symbiotic activity response to Nod factors (lipo- chitooligosaccharides) and soil compaction (2013 r.) Applied Soil Ecology 2013, Vol. 72, 181-186
  19. Baranowski P., Mazurek W., Pastuszka-Woźniak J.:  Supervised classification of bruised apples with respect to the time after bruising on the basis of hyperspectral imaging data (2013 r.) Postharvest Biology and Technology 2013, Vol. 86, 249-258
  20. Parafiniuk P., Molenda M., Horabik J.:  Discharge of rapeseeds from a model silo: Physical testing and discrete element method simulations (2013 r.) Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 2013, Vol. 97, 40-46