Publications for period 2007

Impact Factor


No. authors title periodic
  1. Stasiak M., Molenda M., Horabik J.:  Determination of modulus of elasticity of cereals and rapeseeds using acoustic method (2007 r.) Journal of Food Engineering 82(2007), 51-57 
  2. Czachor H.:  Applicability of the Washburn theory for determining the wetting angle of soils. (2007 r.) Hydrological Processes 2007, 2, 2239-2247 
  3. Molenda M., Montross M., Horabik J.:  Non-Axial Stress State in a Model Silo Generated by Eccentric Filling and Internal Inserts (2007 r.) Particle&Particle Systems Characterization 2007, 24, 291-295 
  4. Sokołowska Z., Sokołowski S.:  Density functional theory of adsorptioni in pillared slit-like pores. (2007 r.) Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2007, 316, 652-659 
  5. Lipiec J., Walczak R., Witkowska-Walczak B., Nosalewicz A., Słowińska-Jurkiewicz A., Sławiński C.:  The effect of aggregate size on water retention and pore structure of two silt loam soils of different genesis. (2007 r.) Soil & Tillage Research 97 (2007), 239-246 
  6. Jackowska I., Tys J.:  Factors Determining the Usefulness of Rapeseed In the Production of Biofuels. (2007 r.) Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 2007, 76-79 
  7. Skiba K., Tys J., Jackowska I., Bojanowska M.:  Effect of Controlled Storage Sonditions on Nutritional Value of Rapessed Oil Cake as a by_product In the Production of Bio-Diesel fuel. (2007 r.) Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 2007, 238-242 
  8. Tys J., Jackowska I., Skiba K.:  Low Temperatures of Storage Berus Quality Features of Rapeseed. (2007 r.) Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 2007, 299-302 
  9. Szatanik-Kloc A., Józefaciuk G.:  Changes In micropore system of roots of wheat and triticale seedlings dunder aluminium stress as determined Rusing water vapor adsorption-desorption. (2007 r.) Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 2007, 29:425-430, 
  10. Fornal J., Jeliński T., Sadowska J., Grundas S., Nawrot J., Niewiada A., Warchalewski J., Błaszczak W.:  Detection of granary weevil Sitophilus granarius (L.) eggs and internal stages In wheat grain Rusing soft X-ray and image analysis (2007 r.) Journal of Stored Products Research 2007, 43:142-148 
  11. Lipiec J., Usowicz B., Ferrero A.:  Impact of soil compaction and wetness on thermal properties of sloping vineyard soil (2007 r.) International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2007, 50, 3837-3847