Publications for period 2002

Impact Factor

No. authors title periodic
  1. Molenda M., Horabik J., Ross I., Montross M.:  Friction of wheat: grain-on-grain and on corrugated steel. (2002 r.) Transactions of the ASAE 2002, 45(2), 415-420 
  2. Molenda M., Horabik J., Thompson S., Ross I.:  Bin loads induced by eccentric filling and discharge of grain. (2002 r.) Transactions of the ASAE 2002, 45(3), 781-785 
  3. Molenda M., Montross M., Horabik J., Ross I.:  Mechanical properties of corn and soybean meal. (2002 r.) Transactions of the ASAE 2002, 45(6), 1929-1936 
  4. Fernández J., Sławiński C., Moreno F., Walczak R., Vanclooster M.:  Simulating the fate of water in a soil-crop system of a semi-arid Mediterranean area with the WAVE 2.1 and the EURO-ACCESS-II models. (2002 r.) Agricultural Water Management 2002, 56, 113-129 
  5. Sławiński C., Sobczuk H., Stoffregen H., Walczak R., Wessolek G.:  Effect of data resolution on soil hydraulic conductivity prediction. (2002 r.) Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 2002, 165, 45-49 
  6. Józefaciuk G., Hoffmann C., Marschner B.:  Effect of extreme acid and alkali treatment on pore properties of soil samples. (2002 r.) Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 2002, 165, 59-66 
  7. Hoffmann C., Savric I., Józefaciuk G., Hajnos M., Sokołowska Z., Renger M., Marschner B.:  Reaction of sewage farm soils to different irrigation solutions in a column experiment. 2. Heavy metals and their leaching. (2002 r.) Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 2002, 165, 67-71 
  8. Lamorski K., Pręgowski P., Świderski W., Szbra D., Walczak R., Usowicz B.:  Thermal signatures of land mines buried in mineral and organic soils modelling and experiments. (2002 r.) Infrared Physics & Technology 2002, 43, 303-309 
  9. Pytka J., Konstankiewicz K.:  A new optical method for soil stress and strain investigation. (2002 r.) Soil & Tillage Research 2002, 65, 243-251 
  10. Włodarczyk T., Stępniewski W., Brzezińska M.:  Dehydrogenase activity, redox potential, and emissions of carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide from Cambisols under flooding conditions. (2002 r.) Biol. Fertil. Soils 2002, 36, 200-206 
  11. Reszko-Zygmunt J., Rżysko W., Sokołowski S., Sokołowska Z.:  Phase behavior of Lennard-Jones fluids in pores formed between two cylindrical walls. (2002 r.) Colloids and Surfaces 2002, 208, 199-209 
  12. Sławiński C., Sokołowska Z., Walczak R., Borówko M., Sokołowski S.:  Fractal dimension of peat soils from adsorption and from water retention experiments. (2002 r.) Colloids and Surfaces 2002, 208, 289-301 
  13. Kuzyakov Y., Siniakina S., Ruhlmann J., Domański G., Stahr K.:  Effect of nitrogen fertilisation on below-ground carbonallocation in lettuce. (2002 r.) Journal Science of Food and Agriculture 2002, 82, 1432-1441 
  14. Kuzyakov Y., Domański G.:  Model for whizodeposition and CO2 efflux from planted soil and its validation by 14C pulse labelling of ryegrass. (2002 r.) Plant and Soil ????, ??, ? - ? 
  15. Stępniewski W., Horn R., Martyniuk S.:  Managing soil biophysical properties for environmental protection. (2002 r.) Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 2002, 88, 175-181 
  16. Sokołowska Z., Borówko M., Reszko-Zygmunt J., Sokołowski S.:  Adsorption of nitrogen and water vapor by alluvial soils. (2002 r.) Geoderma 2002, 107, 33-54 
  17. Toth T., Józefaciuk G.:  Physicochemical properties of a solonetzic toposequence. (2002 r.) Geoderma 2002, 106, 137-159 
  18. Józefaciuk G., Muranyi A., Alekseeva T.:  Effect of extreme acid and alkali treatment on soil variable charge. (2002 r.) Geoderma 2002, 109, 225-243 
  19. Waksmundzka-Hajnos M., Hajnos M., Świeboda R., Hawrył A.:  Characterization of adsorbents with polar bonded stationary phases by determination of surface free energy components by a thin layer wicking method. (2002 r.) Journal of Planar Chromatography 2002, 15, 214-219 
  20. Józefaciuk G.:  Effect of acid and alkali treatments on surface-charge properties of selected minerals. (2002 r.) Clays and Clay Minerals 2002, 50, 5, 646-655