Publications for period 1998

Impact Factor


No. authors title periodic
  1. Brzezińska M., Stępniewska Z., Stępniewski W.:  Soil oxygen status and dehydrogenase activity. (1998 r.) Soil Biology and Biochemistry 1998, 30, 13, 1783-1790 
  2. Lipiec J., Hatano R., Słowińska-Jurkiewicz A.:  The fractal dimension of pore distribution patterns in variously-compacted soil. (1998 r.) Soil & Tillage Research 1998, 47, 61-66 
  3. Pabin J., Lipiec J., Włodek S., Biskupski A., Kaus A.:  Critical soil strength for pea seedling root growth as related to other soil factors. (1998 r.) Soil & Tillage Research 1998, 46, 203-208 
  4. Rejman J., Turski R., Paluszek J.:  Spatial and temporal variations in erodibility of loess soil. (1998 r.) Soil & Tillage Research 1998, 46, 61-68 
  5. Bennicelli R., Stępniewski W., Zakrzhevsky D., Bałakhnina T., Stępniewska Z., Lipiec J.:  The effect of soil aeration on superoxide dismutase activity, malondialdehyde level, pigment content and stomatal diffusive resistance in maize seedlings. (1998 r.) Environmental and Experimental Botany 1998, 39, 203-211 
  6. Horabik J., Molenda M., Ross I.:  Comparison of loads on cylindrical and conical model grain bins. (1998 r.) Transactions of the ASAE 1998, 41, 2, 459-463 
  7. Thompson S., Molenda M., Ross I.:  Loads caused by bottom unloading wall flumes in a model grain bin. (1998 r.) Transactions of the ASAE 1998, 41, 6, 1807-1815 
  8. Brzezińska M., Włodarczyk T., Stępniewski W., Kuzyakov Y., Stahr K.:  Oxidation of methane and dehydrogenase activity in a Mollic Gleysol. (1998 r.) Zeitschrift fur Pflanzenernahrung und Bodenkunde 1998, 161, 697-698 
  9. Fotyma M., Jadczyszyn J., Józefaciuk G.:  Hundredth molar calcium chloride extraction procedure. Part II: calibration with conventional soil testing methods for pH. (1998 r.) Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 16251632, 1998