Publications for period 1997

Impact Factor


No. authors title periodic
  1. Pachepsky Y., Gimenez D., Logsdon S., Allmaras R., Kozak E.:  On interpretation and misinterpretation of fractal models: A reply to "Comment on number-size distributions, soil structure, and fractals (1997 r.) Soil Science Society of America Journal November-December 1997, 61, 1800-1801 
  2. Sokołowska Z., Hajnos M., Józefaciuk G., Hoffmann C., Regner M.:  Influence of humic acid on water characteristics of kaolin and quartz. (1997 r.) Zeitschrift fur Pflanzenernahrung und Bodenkunde 1997, vol.160, 327-331 
  3. Molenda M., Horabik J., Bucklin R., Ross I.:  Wear-in effects on loads and flow in a conical grain bin. (1997 r.) Transactions of the ASAE 1997, 40(3), 783-788 
  4. Szatanik-Kloc A., Józefaciuk G.:  Effect of pH and aluminium on surface properties of barley roots as determined from water vapour adsorption. (1997 r.) Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 1997, vol. 19, 3, 327-332