J. Sadowska
Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Science, Polish Academy of Sciences, Tuwima 10, 10-747 Olsztyn, Poland
- Division of Food Science, Centre for Agrotechnology and Veterinary Sciences, Polish Academy of Science, Tuwima 10,10-718 Olsztyn, Poland
- Division of Food Sciences, Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research, Polish Academy of Sciences Tuwima 10, 10-718 Olsztyn, Poland
Ord title authors publishing- Effect of drying of rapeseeds on their mechanical properties and technological usability* J. Fornal, J. Sadowska, R. Jaroch, B. Kaczyńska, T. Winnicki: International Agrophysics 1994, 8, 2, 215-224
- Changes in microstructure and physical properties of green peas during ripening J. Sadowska, J. Fornal, B. Kaczyńska, B. Jacórzyński: International Agrophysics 1994, 8, 2, 311-317
- Comparison of endosperm microstructure of wheat and durum wheat using digital image analysis J. Fornal, T. Jeliński, J. Sadowska, E. Quattrucci: International Agrophysics 1999, 12, 2, 215-220