Department of Physical Properties of Plant Materials


No. authors title periodic
  1. Wiącek J., Molenda M., Horabik J., Ooi J.:  Influence of grain shape and intergranular friction on material behavior in uniaxial compression: Experimental and DEM modeling. (2012 r.) Powder Technology 2012, Vol. 217, 435-442
  2. Miś A., Grundas S., Dziki D., Laskowski J.:  Use of farinograph measurements for predicting extensograph traits of bread dough enriched with carob fibre and oat wholemeal. (2012 r.) Journal of Food Engineering 2012, Vol. 108, 1-12
  3. Opaliński I., Chutkowski M., Stasiak M.:  Characterizing moist food-powder flowability using a Jenike shear-tester. (2012 r.) Journal of Food Engineering 2012, Vol. 108, 51-58
  4. Fornal J., Sadowska J., Błaszczak W., Jeliński T., Molenda M., Stasiak M., Hajnos M.:  Influence of some chemical modifications on the characteristics of potato starch powders. (2012 r.) Journal of Food Engineering 2012, Vol. 108, 515-522
  5. Stasiak M., Rusinek R., Molenda M., Fornal J., Błaszczak W.:  Effect of potato starch modification on mechanical parameters and granules morphology. (2011 r.) Journal of Food Engineering 2011, 102, 154-162, (DOI information:n10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2010.07.034) 
  6. Miś A.:  Interpretation of mechanical spectra of carob fibre and oat wholemeal-enriched wheat dough using non-linear regression models (2011 r.) Journal of Food Engineering 2011, Vol. 102, 4, 369-379
  7. Molenda M., Wiącek J.:  Moisture-dependent physical properties of rapeseed - experimental and DEM modeling (2011 r.) International Agrophysics 2011, Vol. 25, 1, 59-65
  8. Mueller P., Antonyuk S., Stasiak M., Tomas J., Heinrich S.:  The normal and oblique impact of three types of wet granules (2011 r.) Granular Matter 2011, Vol. 13, 4, 455-463
  9. Pecen J., Horabik J., Molenda M., Wojtkowski M.:  Rapeseed impact against a flat surface: Physical testing and DEM simulation with two contact models. (2010 r.) Powder Technology 2010, Vol. 198, 61-68
  10. Jezierska-Tys S., Tys J., Frąc M.:  Microbiological hazards resulting from application of dairy sewage sludge: effects on occurrence of pathogenic microorganisms in soil. (2010 r.) Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health-Part A 2010, Part A, 73: 17, 1194-1201 
  11. Jezierska-Tys S., Tys J., Frąc M.:  Populations of selected microbial and fungal species growing on the surface of rape seeds following treatment with desiccants or plant growth regulators. (2010 r.) Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health-Part A 2010, Part A, 73: 17, 1230-1235 
  12. Tomas J., Mueller P., Molenda M., Rusinek R., Stasiak M.:  Uniaxial compaction behaviour and elasticity of cohesive powders. (2010 r.) Powder Technology 2010, 203, 482-488 
  13. Horabik J., Molenda M., Rusinek R.:  Performance of membrane pressure transducers in granular materials of various particle sizes. (2009 r.) Powder Technology 190 (2009), 410-414 
  14. Montross M., Horabik J., Molenda M., Łukaszuk J.:  Variability of pressure drops in grain generated by kernel shape and bedding method. (2009 r.) Journal of Stored Products Research 45(2009), 112-118 
  15. Montross M., Thompson S., Horabik J., Molenda M.:  Asymmetry of model bin wall loads and lateral pressure induced from two- and three-dimensional obstructions attached to the wall. (2009 r.) Transactions of the ASABE 2009, Vol. 52(1): 225-233 
  16. Rusinek R., Gawrysiak-Witulska M., Tys J.:  Effect of Drying and Storage Parameters on Rapeseed Susceptibility to Oil Loss. (2008 r.) Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 2008, Vol. 17, 223-226 
  17. Skiba K., Hajnos M., Tys J., Mościcki L.:  Study of the Microstructure of Extruded Rapeseed Oil Cake. (2008 r.) Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 2008, Vol. 17, 284-289 
  18. Tys J., Skiba K., Jackowska I., Strobel W.:  Oil Quality Indices Describing the Technological Value of Rape Seed. (2008 r.) Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 2008, Vol. 17, 302-307 
  19. Podleśny J., Strobel W., Kotlarz A.:  Effect of Sowing Date on the Yield and Chemical Composition of Seeds of Various Genotypes of Yellow Lupine. (2008 r.) Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 2008, Vol. 17, 263-270 
  20. Bojanowska M., Czerwiński J., Tys J.:  PAH in Vegetable Fats. (2008 r.) Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 2008, Vol. 17, 207-212