
Programme of the European Union in frame of cooperation with the Department of Strategy and Regional Development - Marshal Office of the Lubelskie Voivodship inLublin, Department of Programmes of the European Territorial Cooperation.

Program title: European Territorial Cooperation, Baltic Sea Region Programme

Project title: BaltFood: The BSR Ford Luster Innovation and Competitiveness in Action

Acronym: BaltFood

Priority/P1: Fostering of innovations across the Baltic Sea Region

Lead partner: Lubeck Business Development Corp., Germany (contact person: Bjoern P. Jaccobsen)

Project partner: Lubelskie Voivodship

Representative of IA PAS: prof. Artur Zdunek, dr Justyna Cybulska

Project implementation: 2009-2013

Project partners: 14 institutions from Baltic Sea Region area.

Institute of Agrophysics PAS is partner of the project: the BaltFood - BSR Food Cluster: Innovation and Competitiveness in Action. The BaltFood project is coordinated by the Luebeck Business Development Corporation. Among the project partners there is a number of scientific institutions and the representatives of the food industry of the Baltic Sea Region. The BaltFood project is implemented in frame of European Territorial Cooperation, Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013, Priority / P1: Fostering of innovations across the Baltic Sea Region. The BaltFood aims at contributing to a sustainable cluster-specific economic development in the Baltic Sea Region by making regionally-embedded knowledge available on a wider geographical basis. The specific objective is to advance the process of building a sustainable and demand-oriented pan-Baltic food cluster structure in the attempt to increase the transfer and application of technological and market-related know-how among its scientific, industry and public members.
