Physical Chemistry of Porous Materials
Research Laboratory of Recycling and Utilization of Sludge Solid Phase



    Optical microscope

    • Standard Zoom from 40x to 1000x
    • Planachromate lens at infinity corrected CCIS, 10x, 40x, 60x 100x
    • Phase Contrast Kit
    • Light polarization Kit
    • Camera - 3.1 Mpix
    • Purpose: Microscopic analysis of plant and animal tissues, image analysis using specialized software

    Vacuum drying

    • Chamber drying
      – Termostated
    • Pomp vakum
      - Scope of the vacuum – 9 mbar


    • Volume tank 750 i 250 ml
    • Adjustable fan speed
    • Speed centrifugation to the 4600 rpm (750ml), 9000 rpm (250ml)
    • Centrifuge is thermostated within <-20°C i 30°C <
    • Purpose: Chapter mixtures Specimen