Natural Environment Biogeochemistry
Laboratory of Gas Chromatography



    GC-2014 gas chromatograph with TCD, FID and ECD detectors

    Testing of gas mixture components (CO2, N2O, O2, CH4, C2H2, C2H4) in wide concentration


    Examples of use:

    • Determination of gas composition in various systems (atmosphere, soil, silos, stores).
    • Testing of greenhouse gases emissions.
    • Determination of respiratory activities (CO2 release and O2 absorption) of soils and biological materials.
    • Monitoring of gas concentrations in closed systems.
    • Monitoring of biological activity of soils.
    • Testing of nitrogenase activity.
    • Testing of methanotrophic, methanogenic, nitrification and denitrification activities.

    Gas chromatographs: GC-14A with TCD detector; GC-14B with ECD and TCD detectors

    esting of gas mixture components (CO2, N2O, O2, CH4, C2H2, C2H4) in wide concentration


    Examples of use:

    • Determination of gas composition in various systems (atmosphere, soil, silos, stores).
    • Testing of greenhouse gases emissions.
    • Determination of respiratory activities (CO2 release and O2 absorption) of soils and biological materials.
    • Monitoring of gas concentrations in closed systems.
    • Monitoring of biological activity of soils.
    • Testing of nitrogenase activity.
    • Testing of methanotrophic, methanogenic, nitrification and denitrification activities.

    DELTA V Advantage mass spectrometer

    • Testing of ratios of stable isotopes in gas samples.
    • The integrated Pre-Con system enables practical assessment of trace gases (N2O, CO2 and CH4) in the atmospheric air.

    Analizy pierwiastków:
    13C/12C, 15N/14N, 18O/16O, 34S/32S


    Examples of use:

    • Biochemical transformation cycles of nitrogen and carbon.
    • Processes of production, emission and absorption of nitrogen oxide (I).
    • Methane oxidation in anaerobic conditions.

    EGM-4 – CO2 monitoring system in natural conditions

    • IRGA infrared CO2 analyser in natural environments, greenhouses, growth chambers, etc.
    • Additional functions: temperature and soil moisture measurement.

    Examples of use:

    • Testing of respiratory activity of living ecosystem elements.
    • Testing of CO2 assimilation by plants.
    • Testing of soil respiration depending on environmental conditions.
    • In situ testing of CO2 emissions

    FIAStar 5000 Analyzer of soluble nitrogen and phosphorus compounds

    Measurement of nitrates (NO3-), nitrites (NO2-), ammonium (NH4+) and phosphates
    (PO43-) concentrations in potable water, groundwaters, surface waters and soil extracts.
    Examples of use:

    • Testing of pollution levels of water with soluble nitrogen and phosphorus compounds.
    • Leaching of fertilizers by percolation waters.