Microstructure and Mechanics of Biomaterials
Laboratory of Biochemistry



    Automatic polarimeter AP -300


    • measurement scales : angle of rotation, International Sugar Scale
    • range:  ± 89,99°
    • accuracy 0,01°

    Mixer mill MM400


    The Mill enables grinding of different materials, including plant and animal tissues. Possibility of cryogenic grinding.

    • final fineness: 6μm
    • grinding in 25 ml steel cells and 1.5 ml test-tubes.

    Tubes rotator


    • rotatory shaker with disc suitable to 1.5ml test-tubes.

    Cooled vacuum centrifuge Mikro 220R


    • max. 18 000 rpm
    • temperature regulation from -20 to +40°C

    Vacuum oven OV-11


    • temperature range: 5°C above room temperature to 250°C
    • accuracy  1°C
    • vacuum range: 0 - 1*10-2 mbar

    Laboratory homogenizer


    • rotary speed: 10.000 rpm and 14.000 rpm
    • power: 140 Wats

    Analytical balance ABT 220-5DM


    • range: 220g
    • readout 0,01mg / 0,1 mg

    Accelerated Solvent Extractor ASE 150

    Single-cell system for the extraction of solid and semisolid samples using common solvents at elevated temperatures and pressures.
    It runs faster than classical extraction methods, requires less solvent and labor, and ensures repetitive results.

    Continues Flow Analyser (CFA) SanPlus

    Automatic analyser to determination of pectin, calcium and nitrogen content  in biological samples by means of continuous flow analysis method.

    Range in water extracts:

    • pectin 1– 100 ppm C6H12O6
    • calcium 1-100 ppm Ca
    • nitrogen after mineralization 0.1 – 10 ppm N.