Publications in year 2017

Vol. 24, Issue 4

Estimation of degree of starch gelatinisation in instant pasta using measurements of viscosity and water absorption of ground instant pasta dispersions

International Agrophysics
Year : 2017
Volumen : 24
Issue : 4
Pages : 625 - 632
  PDF 222.65 KB
Authors: Piotr Zarzycki1, Aldona Sobota1, Ewelina Kuzawińska1, Anna Wirkijowska1, Emilia Sykut-Domańska1

1Engineering and Cereals Technology Department, University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Skromna 8, 20-704 Lublin, Poland
Abstract :

The study aimed at the determination of the possibility of estimating the degree of starch gelatinisation by measuring the physical properties of instant pasta. Therefore, pre-selected parameters such as dough moisture (33-35%), pre-drying temperature (35-55°C) and steaming time (120-360 s, temp. 95°C), which allowed to obtain instant pasta with varying degree of starch gelatinisation, were applied in this study. The physical properties of instant pasta with respect to solubility (WSI), water absorption (WAI), apparent viscosity of ground instant pasta dispersions and degree of starch gelatinisation (DG) were determined. The highest correlations were found between DG and WAI and between DG and viscosity (p < 0.01). The variability of DG can be explained in ca. 87% by the WAI (R2 = 0.87) and in ca. 74% by the apparent viscosity of instant pasta dispersion (R2 = 0.74). No significant correlation between DG and WSI was observed. It was demonstrated that the results obtained from the measurements of apparent viscosity of aqueous dispersion and WAI of instant pasta can be used for rapid estimation of DG.

Keywords : solubility, steaming, pasta dispersions
Language : english