• Kozak B., Głowienka G., Jaromin-Gleń K., Łagód G.:  The quality of rainwater from basin of Muzyczna st. in Lublin at the background of receiver water – the Bystrzyca river (2013 r.) 2nd Student Scientific Conference "Environmental Engineering - Trough A Young Eye", Białystok 16-17.05.2013 r. 2013, 18-23
  • Głowienka G., Nowak E., Kozak B., Jaromin-Gleń K., Łagód G.:  The method of determining diatoms and green algae communities biodiversity of the Zemborzycki backwater periphyton (2013 r.) 2nd Student Scientific Conference "Environmental Engineering - Trough A Young Eye", Białystok 16-17.05.2013 r. 2013, 9-17