Publications in year 2016

Vol. 23, Issue 4

Integrated production of early potato varieties: Cyprian, Michalina and Viviana har-vested in two dates

International Agrophysics
Year : 2016
Volumen : 23
Issue : 1
Pages : 129 - 142
  PDF 179.8 KB
Authors: Anna Wierzbicka1, Milena Pietraszko1, Joanna Jankowska1, Magdalena Grudzińska1, Dominika Boguszewska-Mańkowska1

1Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute – NRI, Department of Storage and Processing of Potato, Division Jadwisin Jadwisin, ul. Szaniawskiego 15, 05-140 Serock, Poland
Abstract :

In 2011-2013, the Institute of Plant Breeding and Acclimatization-National Research Institute, Department of Jadwisin, conducted a field experiment whose goal was to develop an appropriate agricultural technology for new varieties in order to provide a high marketable yield of "young" potatoes, gathered on an early date of harvest – after 75 days from planting, and of potatoes harvested at full maturity of tubers, using different nitrogen doses. It was found that after 75 days from planting the very early variety Viviana produced higher yield than the early varieties Cyprian and Michalina, and after reaching full maturity the highest yield was obtained from cv. Michalina, while the yield of cv. Cyprian and Viviana was similar. In the integrated protection of "young" potatoes from 3 to 7 treatments were used, and in potato at full maturity stage from 7 to 9 treatments, depending on the weather and on disease pressure. Based on the total yield regression in relation to the applied nitrogen fertilisation rates, the maximum nitrogen dose (the dose at which the highest yield of tubers was obtained) was calculated for the variety and time of harvesting, and then the recommended doses of nitrogen were determined, smaller than the maximum biological dose by from 15 to 30 kg ha-1, depending on the cultivar, but characterised by better use of this component. In the conditions of the sandy soil the varieties Cyprian and Viviana were characterised by average nitrogen requirements (recommended dose – 80 kg ha–1), while high nitrogen requirements were characteristic of variety Michalina (recommended dose – 90 kg ha–1) on the first harvest date. On the second harvest date varieties Michalina and Viviana had average nitrogen requirements (recommended dose – 120 kg ha–1), while high nitrogen requirements were characteristic of variety Cyprian (recommended dose – 140 kg ha–1).

Keywords : potato, early edible varieties, yield, fertilisation, treatments, harvest date
Language : polish