Publications in year 2015

Vol. 29, Issue 4

Morpho-anatomical traits of two lowest internodes related to lodging resistance in selected genotypes of Triticum

International Agrophysics
Year : 2015
DOI : 10.1515/intag-2015-0053
Volumen : 29
Issue : 4
Pages : 475 - 483
  PDF 911.82 KB
Authors: D. Packa1, M. Wiwart1, E. Suchowilska1, T. Bieńkowska1

1Department of Plant Breeding and Seed Production, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Pl. Łódzki 3, 10-724 Olsztyn, Poland
Abstract :

The cross-sections of first and second internodes were analyzed under a light and fluorescence microscopes in six varieties of Triticum spelta, two varieties of T. polonicum, and one variety of T. aestivum. The morphometric parameters of stem cross-sections were measured. The analyzed wheats were characterized by significant differences in traits associated with lodging resistance ie: internode diameter, lumen diameter, stem wall thickness, mechanical layer thickness, area of transverse section, and area of lumen for the first and second internode and between the internodes. In all varieties, the values of internode diameter, lumen diameter, area of transverse section and area of lumen were higher for the second internode than for the first internode, whereas the reverse was reported for stem wall thickness and mechanical layer thickness The results of the principal component analysis and section modulus values revealed similarities between spring spelt Wirtas and Rubinas and between common wheat Kontesa and winter spelt Poeme and Epanis. The number of large vascular bundles varied across the studied varieties. The average number of vascular bundles in common wheat Kontesa was significantly higher than in spring spelt Rubinas and Wirtas and significantly lower than in Polish wheat Pol-3 and winter spelt Epanis and Poeme.

Keywords : ancient wheats, stem cross-section, microscopy, image analysis system, principal component analysis, section modulus
Language : English