Publications in year 1999

Vol. 13, Issue 3

Internal damage vs. mechanical properties of microwave-dried wheat grain

International Agrophysics
Year : 1999
Volumen : 13
Issue : 2
Pages : 259 - 268
  PDF 381.4 KB
Authors: W. Woźniak1, J. Niewczas1, T. Kudra2

1Institute of Agrophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Doświadczalna 4, 20-290 Lublin, Poland
2CANMET, Energy Diversification Research Laboratory, 1615 Lionel-Boulet BIvd., Varennes, PQ, Canada J3X 1S6
Abstract :

Abstract. Grain of Almari winter wheat variety, with two levels of initial moisture content (20 and 25%), was microwave dried for different time periods from 2.5 to 25 min. The resultant internal cracks were detected using soft X-ray technique. The physical condition of the endosperm was then quantified in terms of a damage index. Barrel-shaped core samples, cut from randomly selected kernels were then subjected to uniaxial compression tests to determine the stress at rupture point, strain, and the modulus of elasticity. A statistically significant correlation between drying conditions and mechanical properties was found. No effect of the initial moisture content on the physical condi­tions of the endosperm and on the mechanical properties under study was observed.

Keywords : drying, moisture content, damage index, stress, strain, modulus of elasticity
Language : English