Publications in year 1996

Vol. 10, Issue 4

Submodel of bypass flow in cracking soils. part 2- experimental validation

International Agrophysics
Year : 1996
Volumen : 10
Issue : 3
Pages : 197 - 207
  PDF 170.79 KB
Authors: R. Walczak1, H. Sobczuk1, C. Sławiński1

1Institute of Agrophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Doświadczalna 4,20-236 Lublin, Poland
Abstract :

Abstract. The experimental validation of bypass flow submodel was done using data gathered at two sites Grabów and Czesławice. Measured and calculated moisture content show better agreement when the bypass flow is taken into account. This is especally important for deeper layers of the soil where the Richard's equation modeling shows too small water content. The by­pass flow mechanism allows more water to flow down immediately to deep layers bypassing the top layers of soil profile.

Keywords : bypass flow, numerical validation, experimental validation
Language : English