Publications in year 2014

Vol. 21, Issue 4

Stratification of thermo-hygrometric conditions of a grassy ecosystem in the open area and on the edge of a forest

International Agrophysics
Year : 2014
Volumen : 21
Issue : 2
Pages : 179 - 191
  PDF 1.29 MB
Authors: Monika Panfil, Jacek Leśny, Jacek Alberski

Abstract :

The work is the analysis of the microclimatic conditions over the grassland ecosystem within the Teaching and Research Station in Bałdy, located in the Olsztyn Lake District. The study was carried out based on the resources of grassland station, devoted primarily to cattle grazing in the period from the first decade of May to end of October. In order to verify the thermal and moisture indicators, observations were made of air temperature and relative humidity for six heights: 0.05 m; 0.5 m; 1.0 m; 1.5 m; 2.0 m; 3.0 m; 4.0 m at the two selected points. They were located above the grassland ecosystem in the open area and at the border of the forest. Data on air temperature were recorded at a frequency of 5-minute measurements in two series : spring and autumn, each time for five days. As a result of the measurements, unique schedule of daily and hourly values at various altitudes were obtained. They show that the microclimates of the individual points are clearly differentiated.


Keywords : iButton sensor, air temperature, environmental studies
Language : Polish