Publications in year 1994

Vol. 8, Issue 4

Variability of moisture, temperature and thermal properties in bare soil and in crop field*

International Agrophysics
Year : 1994
Volumen : 8
Issue : 1
Pages : 161 - 168
  PDF 369.88 KB
Authors: R. Walczak1, B. Usowicz1

1Institute of Ągrophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Doświadczalna 4,20-236 Lublin, Poland
Abstract :

Abstract. The time and space variability of soil moisture, air content, temperature, and thermal properties was measured, determined, and analysed using a TDR moisture meter, thermocouple tempera­ture gauges, a stattstical-physical model of thermal conductivity, and empirical formula for thermal capacity, as well as classical statistics and geostatistics. Input data originated from measurements of soil moisture, temperature, and density, taken at points located at various depths, and distributed over fields with and without plants. Time-spatial variability was observed for all the physical values under studied, in bare soil and in crop fields alike. Their mean values and variability were related with the plant development, mainly through the soil moisture and density, and in the case of soil temperature - through the restricted heat influx into the soil.

Keywords : time-spatial variability, soil physical properties
Language : English