Publications in year 1994

Vol. 8, Issue 4

Measurements of the adhesion strengths of potato skin related to haulm treatments

International Agrophysics
Year : 1994
Volumen : 8
Issue : 3
Pages : 531 - 536
  PDF 226.52 KB
Authors: A. Muir1, S. Bowen1

1Scottish Centre of Agricultural Engineering, Bush Estate, UKEH26 OPH, Penicuik
Abstract :

Abstract. This paper presents some of the first results of a project at the Scottish Agricultural College in Edinburgh which is investigating skin strength in potatoes. These first results highlight how little we know and how much more there is to learn about skin adhesion strength in potatoes, especially about the mechanism of skin set, however, a number of general conclusions can be made. It is perhaps only when there are large differences in a characteristic such as skin thickness. The second is that we are now looking more closely at changes in the zone of separation, such as water content, changes in biochemistry of substances, such as pectins. These are probably more important. Overall, between haulm destruction and harvesting we estimate a force of 15-20 N is equivalent to the thumb test when skin is set.

Keywords : adhesion strength, potato skin
Language : English