Publications in year 2013

Vol. 20, Issue 4

Application of texture meter for determination of water absorption of rye flour with varied ash content

International Agrophysics
Year : 2013
Volumen : 20
Issue : 4
Pages : 529 - 541
  PDF 417.32 KB
Authors: Krzysztof Buksa1, Anna Nowotna1, Rafał Ziobro1

1Department of Carbohydrates Technology, Faculty of Food Technology, University of Agriculture in Kraków, ul. Balicka 122, 30-149 Kraków
Abstract :

The aim of this study was to develop an optimum method of water absorption measurement of rye flour by means of a texture meter. The research was aimed at developing a method which would allow to determine this parameter for flours rich in pericarp and testa (bran), and to compare the obtained results with the commonly used Brabender Farinograph and the rarely used water absorption meter RWAM (Simon). The study showed that measurement of water absorption of rye wholemeal by Farinograph was not possible. However, the use of the texture meter and the RWAM extruder permitted the determination of water absorption of all types of rye flours. The values of water absorption of rye flours with low ash content determined by the texture meter were comparable and highly correlated with those obtained by Farinograph and RWAM extruder, which may be proof that these methods can be used interchangeably. The texture meter, equipped with a proper cylinder probe, due to the fact that it provided reliable results for all types of flours and due to its better availability in the laboratories, can be recommended for the determination of water absorption.

Keywords : water absorption, rye flour, dough, consistency, dough hardness
Language : Polish