Publications in year 2012

Vol. 26, Issue 4

Effect of Cephalaria syriaca addition on rheological properties of composite flour

International Agrophysics
Year : 2012
DOI : 10.2478/v10247-012-0054-2
Volumen : 26
Issue : 4
Pages : 387 - 393
  PDF 291.84 KB
Authors: M. Karaoglu1

1Department of Food Engineering, Atatürk University, 25240, Erzurum, Turkey
Abstract :

The study was carried out to investigate the effect of whole and defatted Cephalaria syriaca flour on the rheological properties of composite flours that used in bran bread production. Cephalaria syriaca products were used to replace 0.25, 0.75, 1.25, 1.75, and 2.25% of wheat-wheat bran composite flour, and its rheological and fermentative properties were measured by farinograph, extensograph and rheofermentometre. The data showed that the rheological parameters of flours were greatly modified by addition of Cephalaria syriaca. The rheological properties of wheatwheat bran composite flour added with whole and defatted Cephalaria syriaca flour were considerably improved with regard to especially extensograph characteristics such as dough resistance, area (energy), ratio number and rheofermentometer parameters such as Hm, T1, Tx, volume loss and gas retention, as compared to control. However addition of Cephalaria syriaca products adversely affected the farinograph characteristics. Generally, these effects of both whole and defatted Cephalaria syriaca flour increased, as the addition level increased. Maximum Tx, gas retention and area (energy) of dough were obtained from wheat-wheat bran composite flour added with 1.75% whole Cephalaria syriaca flour, while the highest dough stability was at addition level of 0.25% whole Cephalaria syriaca flour.

Keywords : Cephalaria syriaca, wheat flour, wheat bran, dough, rheological properties
Language : English
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